In the following interview, Mike Adamsconducts a video interview with neurosurgeon, researcher and writer Dr. Russell Blaylock – an expert on excitotoxins like aspartame and MSG – about fraudulent vaccine science. Dr. Blaylock reveals the disturbing truth about vaccine trials and ethics, as well as very eye-opening breaking vaccine news.
Health Ranger: Hello and welcome. This is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger for with a special video interview with Dr. Russell Blaylock, a neurosurgeon and expert on excitotoxins and extremely well informed on the toxicity on the brain that may be caused by the chemical adjuvants and heavy metals and light metals even found in vaccines. He joins us today by Skype video with a lot of breaking information on this front. Dr. Blaylock, thank you for joining me today.
Dr. Blaylock: Thank you, Mike.
Health Ranger: Well, the vaccine world has gone crazy, Dr. Blaylock, they’re saying we should have mandatory participation in vaccine trials now, no right to opt out. Why, tell us why is that a crazy idea?
Dr. Blaylock: Well, it’s a violation of the Nuremberg medical code, for one, you know this was to protect the public against being experimental animals for governments or vaccine companies. So suddenly we have this violation of Nuremberg protection, saying that you should be forced into a vaccine trial. And if your health is destroyed during testing of this experimental vaccine, then that’s just the price you pay for living in this society. Well that’s not certainly consistent with the founding of this republic, that people are forcibly put into experimental trials.
Health Ranger: Well, right, but let me play devil’s advocate with you here for a second. The vaccine promoters, pushers, propagandists, they say well for every, they say sure a few people will die from the vaccines, they admit that, but they say for every one person that is killed by a vaccine, maybe a million people will be saved, thus it’s for the greater good of society. What’s wrong with that logic, Dr. Blaylock?
Dr. Blaylock: Well, it’s interesting, that’s the very same logic we heard in Nazi Germany, that these actions are social, that we’re doing these things for the greater good. That you have to look at the long view. Sure we’ll kill a couple million people, or we’ll kill a couple thousand people while doing this experiment or that experiment, but it’s for the greater good. So the greater good argument has always led to these totalitarian abuses. And the fact is, most of the damage by vaccines is hidden. We had the vaccine, a VAERS’s reporting system, which is voluntary. But even there, we see that virtually millions of reactions to vaccines reported. And when you hear vaccine proponents talk about it you hear oh, it’s very rare that you have a reaction to a vaccine, which is a complete lie. Even their data which is reporting only 2 to 10 percent of vaccine complications shows that we’re seeing hundreds of thousands of serious complications from a vaccine, and often as in the case of the Gardasil, the serious complications to vaccine exceed the death rate from cervical cancer. So this benefit to harm ratio says that we shouldn’t be doing this at all, that vaccines should be outlawed. You’re harming more people than benefit from the vaccine. And that’s the problem, they can hide this information.
Health Ranger: Right, right they can always explain it away or just bury it or even, they have the vaccine injury compensation program which is this shadow court system that has more power than the U.S. Supreme Court, that pays money out to parents, admitting that yeah your child was damaged even made autistic by vaccines, but here we’re going to pay you this money, it’s hush money, by accepting this settlement you agree not to talk about it. That exists in American today, it’s a hush money pseudo-shadow government court system.
Dr. Blaylock: Well and it’s vaccine injury court. It’s extremely difficult to even appear before the court. I’ve known a number of parents whose children were obviously destroyed by vaccines who never got a hearing. So to actually get any money from the court is very difficult. Like you say, even the results showing that a lot of children are neurologically damaged by the vaccine is hidden. Public never hears about it.
Health Ranger: Well, yeah that’s exactly right. Of course, the mainstream media won’t cover it. People are only going to hear this here in the alternative media. And along those lines, by the way, I want to encourage those watching to check out your website Dr. Blaylock, which is of course did I get that right?
Dr. Blaylock: That’s right.
Health Ranger: Alright,, sign up for his email newsletter there, you could also check out his books on and other booksellers. He’s got books like EXCITOTOXINS: THE TASTE THAT KILLS and what’s your latest book on cancer, what’s the title?
Health Ranger: NATURAL STRATEGIES FOR CANCER PATIENTS. Do you have a book on vaccine toxicity yet?
Dr. Blaylock: Not yet. But I did the introduction to Neil Z. Miller’s latest book THE VACCINE SAFETY MANUAL, it’s a rather long introduction he allowed me to write. So I have that, plus I have a book on autism, which links the vaccines and the mechanism, the molecular mechanism by which it produces autism.
Health Ranger: I would like to invite you by the way right here on camera, we would like to publish your articles. I know that you publish on Newsmax, if you can get permission maybe to allow us to publish on the same day or the following day, I would really like to publish your articles in your name on Natural News. I think it would be a great addition to the website.
Dr. Blaylock: You’re welcome to, appreciate it.
Health Ranger: Well, let’s set it up after this. Just send us your articles and we’ll get them posted for you. People need to see your information, but getting back to the vaccine issue. Let me play devil’s advocate with you again, because you know there’s so many counter arguments to this by the industry. The industry will say ok well, let’s say that some children are killed or maimed or made autistic by the vaccines, but it’s still important to have a vaccine industry because someday there’s going to be a big pandemic and if the vaccine industry doesn’t have this machinery and this investment in its infrastructure it won’t be able to churn out the cure that saves us all from total death and destruction. What about that defense there?
Dr. Blaylock: Well, that’s assuming that we’re not going to have any capability to produce a vaccine unless they’re allowed to make hundreds of millions of dollars of profit, which is certainly not true. If we look at the science of the vaccination process itself, it’s becoming evident that the way they do the immunizations, the vaccine of sticking it into the muscle of your arm and your leg actually suppresses a lot of your immune system, particularly in young children. We found out that in fact it causes the immune system to switch to what we call TH2 type cytokine production, which inhibits immunity. And your major protection against virus, particularly the really virulent, deadly viruses and bacteria is your cellular immunity. Well vaccines don’t stimulate cellular immunity at all; in fact, they suppress it. It’s known if you look on the CDC site they’ll tell you that for instance if a child gets a HIB vaccine for two weeks they’re much more likely to get HIB and to die from it than they would if you didn’t give them the vaccine. We see the same thing with the MMR vaccine, the measles or rubella virus is an immunosuppressant, just like the HIV virus.
Health Ranger: Yeah it’s extraordinary. We see news reports very frequently where they talk about things like a measles outbreak, or a whooping cough outbreak or a chicken pox outbreak. I notice they never tell you the truth, which is that most of those involved in the outbreak were previously vaccinated against the very thing that’s breaking out. It’s like the kids with the measles are the ones who got the measles vaccine. They don’t tell you that.
Dr. Blaylock: Well there’s several important things they don’t tell you. Number one, when they have these so-called outbreaks, death from the outbreak is extremely rare. Most of the kids just get a case of measles and recover, just like millions of us did when I grew up. Now when I grew up there was no measles vaccine. Virtually everybody in my classes got measles, all of us recovered. I don’t remember anybody having a serious complication, but you listen to the proponents today you would think the street was littered with the bodies of dead children. It’s just nonsense. All of us got it, and the difference is when we got the measles, we had life long immunity. And you look on the CDC site now it says, well if you had the measles before 1960, than you don’t need any vaccination. But if you get a vaccination for measles, you’ve gotta keep getting vaccinated every five years or every two years in order to keep your immune system active. But then you don’t get protection, that’s why an outbreak- all of these outbreak cases, the vast majority of the children were fully vaccinated.
Health Ranger: You know, I’m glad you mentioned that because I find that the CDC has learned the tactics of the Department of Homeland Security in using fear to market its own authority. Where DHS says there are terrorists everywhere, so we need more searching, we need more budgets, we need surveillance, the CDC says oh there are deadly viruses everywhere, and outbreaks everywhere, therefore we need more budgets, we need more vaccines, we need more infectious disease surveillance. It’s the same exact tactic as the war-mongering engine, which is Department of Homeland Security. It’s incredible.
Dr. Blaylock: Well the sad thing about it is all these fears are predicated on absolute lies. For instance, if you look at vaccine policy for a six-month-old baby, they’re giving them a diphtheria injection, they’re giving them an injection for tetanus, and then you ask a physician what is the risk of a child in the United States of America developing tetanus if they’re not vaccinated. He doesn’t have a clue. Well, if you look back before there was a tetanus vaccine, the incidence of tetanus in newborn babies was almost nothing. Zero. Most of the tetanus cases were people over the age of 25, and the number of tetanus cases in the United States was infinitesimally small even before there was a vaccine. It gives the impression that before these vaccines existed, these infections were just rampant and massive, but when we look at the data, the historical data on these infections, and that includes all the childhood infections, all of them were falling drastically before there was even a vaccine invented. The vaccine came out on the very end of the fall in these vaccinations. The reason is when you get natural infections, over time the population develops massive immunity to the infection.
Health Ranger: You know, I’m really glad you mentioned that because there is a lot of revisionist history in, for example, polio. You know, the talk about the polio vaccine was this great and wonderful thing, but if you look at the actual history, polio was on the way out before the vaccine even came in. And then you look at Jonas Salk, the famed inventor of polio, and he ran illegal medical experiments using government money on innocent victims who didn’t know they were being experimented on. I mean, it’s madness, and yet no one is really told this history through conventional channels today, astonishing.
Dr. Blaylock: Well if you read the history of the polio epidemic, of course I grew up in the heyday of polio when there was no vaccine. Well, we only had one child in my classroom who developed polio and she just had a minor foot atrophy, leg atrophy. But you didn’t see many children who ended up in an iron lung. When you see these pictures of the days of polio and they show you these rooms full of iron lung, those are referral centers. They took cases from all over the United States because they had the iron lung. You look into regions for instance, you would find that in Haddenburg, Mississippi, oh they may have had five or six cases and you look at another city, they have one or two cases but if you combine them all it looks really impressive. These are referral centers. It’s deception to what they’re doing. They know that most of the people they’re addressing with this information was not alive at that time, that the poliovirus was a mild summer virus that had been present forever before, and that this appearance of paralysis was something that shocked everybody because this was such a mild virus. Interestingly, the period at which this virus suddenly changed its character to produce paralysis came on the foot of the vaccination for diphtheria and pertussis. And that’s when they think the vaccine itself either altered the immunity of these children or it mutated the virus itself to make it paralytic.
Health Ranger: Well what a great marketing scam. The vaccine comes along and actually weakens the immune system, makes people more vulnerable to infection, and there are live viruses inadvertently or maybe intentionally put into the vaccines that get out into the wild. So the vaccines become a vector for introducing infection in some cases, we saw that with Baxter Pharmaceuticals. So then the vaccines become their own self-fulfilling prophecy. There’s infectious disease because the vaccines are weakening the immune system and putting in the infectious disease, and then they use the presence of infectious disease to call for more vaccines. It’s the ultimate circular logic, marketing scam fiasco.
Dr. Blaylock: Well it is, they know that most physicians know almost nothing about vaccines. They don’t know what’s in it, they don’t know anything about the immunology of the vaccination process, the don’t read its literature, but if you get into the science of vaccines, how they work, you’ll find out in fact that they stimulate the immune-suppressant part of the immune system. For instance, Hepatitis B- they had this idea that they were going to vaccinate all the newborn babies against hepatitis B. Well what happens? It prevents the baby’s immune system from converting to a fully functional, cellular mediated type of immunity. And it prolongs it for longer than a year after birth. So that made those infants infinitely more susceptible to hepatitis B, it made them more susceptible to HIB, so that then more kids get HIB infection and so they say oh well now we need more HIB vaccination. Like you say, it just builds on itself.
Health Ranger: It’s incredible, now they’re pushing flu vaccines for pregnant women. I mean that would’ve been considered medically insane just ten years ago, right? I mean when you were in medical training they never would’ve given vaccines like that to a pregnant woman would they?
Dr. Blaylock: Well the thing is, and this is my area of interest, is that when you vaccinate a pregnant woman, particularly during certain periods of pregnancy, you increase the risk of her child later in life having schizophrenia and autism about six fold. And that’s because the vaccine produces immune cytokines, particularly the interleukin 6, which has been shown to cause brain alteration in the baby that leads to later life schizophrenia and autism. Well, this research is very sound and repeated by numerous laboratories, yet here comes along the vaccine people saying we need to start vaccinating pregnant women. I was shocked beyond belief with this very powerful research showing you’re going to massively increase the number of people having schizophrenia and autism.
Health Ranger: But again, this is another case of scientists throwing out the science. I mean, now you go into the pharmacies and they have all these ads, you know, you versus the flu and they show pregnant women and how your baby’s going to be healthy. Hallmark cards puts out these vaccine reminders for new moms to make sure your child has these 18 vaccines. And then you get these stories from parents who say my baby was healthy, I took them in, they were given 18 vaccines all at once, or sometimes 9 or 10 all at once, within hours, it was like lights out. And now they’re autistic. You hear this time and time again and yet the mainstream medical system, the circle the wagons system, just denies it all. Complete denial of any of this, it’s absurd.
Dr. Blaylock: The shocking thing is is that they even had a secret conference, the Simpsonwood Conference, in Georgia, in which they collected their scientists and studies to see if giving these vaccines with mercury in it caused neurodevelopmental problems. It was a secret meeting. And their conclusion was, yes, it is causing neurodevelopmental problems in these children. The more vaccines, the worse the problem. Immediately, they clamped secrecy on it, said we can’t let this report be released because if the parents ever find out what we’ve discovered they’ll be afraid to vaccinate their children. The chairman of the committee said well I’ll be durned if I have my grandchild vaccinated based on this information. But he wouldn’t let the rest of the United States know this, it was just for his own protection.
Health Ranger: That’s the thing, they’re protecting the industry, they’re protecting each other’s salaries, credentials and reputations, you know, forget safety, forget serving the public. It has become a system that exists only to expand its own power and protect its own financial interests. And that is not science, Dr. Blaylock, that is an industry of for profit mythology, quackery and hucksterism, not science.
Dr. Blaylock: No, in fact, I wrote an article that I’ll send to you, which details and quotes these people directly, some of the shocking things they said in this conference. That if parents knew it, they would never have their children vaccinated with these dangerous vaccines. If they knew what the science was, and this is what I hear people like Paul Offit who come forward and pretend that the science is on their side. Well, the science is heavily on our side. We have some of the biggest researchers in these areas on our side. They ignore it. They know that the public is not gonna even know how to grasp hold of the information and read it and understand it- it’s very complex immunology. Paul Offit is an absolute liar when he tells these things. For instance, he says oh, you can take 100,000 vaccines, 10,000 vaccines, it’s perfectly safe. I will give a public challenge to Paul Offit- take 36 vaccinations for hepatitis B and let’s see how you turn out. He won’t do it. Let’s take the CEO of Merck Pharmaceuticals and say let me give you all the vaccine that you recommend all at once, that you say is safe, and let’s see how you turn out. They won’t do it.
Health Ranger: That’s absolutely brilliant, Dr. Blaylock, a public challenge. Let’s have the CEOs of these vaccine companies take their own medicine publically, multiple injections all at once and let’s see what happens.
Dr. Blaylock: I think there should be a law that if the CDC signs it, and the pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturers and people like Paul Offit are going to say these things, by law they should get every vaccine that they recommend.
Health Ranger: I agree, and hey if they ever do that, can you and I administer the vaccines to these people?
Dr. Blaylock: I would love to, but I guarantee you that the CEO of Merck Pharmaceutical, you think he’d take his vaccines?
Health Ranger: I remember these, these groups of scientists who are skeptical about homeopathy, and that’s a whole other topic regardless of what you believe about homeopathy, these people were out in public drinking gallons of homeopathy and saying well, it doesn’t work because we’re not dead. But let’s flip that back on them, let’s say why don’t you publically drink your chemotherapy, why don’t you publically inject yourself with your vaccines? Why don’t you take your own medicine publically and let’s see how many of you are left standing in 30 days.
Dr. Blaylock: Well I think you may remember the case in Maryland not too long ago in which the court ordered 1,000 teenagers to be vaccinated in a courtroom. Got 19 vaccines, which was unbelievable that anybody would order such a thing. It’s assault and battery, it’s a violation of Nuremberg code, well, I wrote an article on it for a paper in Maryland. I said challenge the governor of that state who pressed this to receive all the vaccines, or see if he’s had all the vaccines in his family. A reporter asked him that. You know what his answer was? That’s my private business. He would not admit that he didn’t vaccinate his children and his grandchildren or himself. These people are liars because they won’t take the vaccine themselves. I’ll guarantee you these people aren’t taking the flu vaccine every year. And I guarantee that they didn’t take the H1N1 vaccine that they were hawking, but I worked with a researched in the Czech Republic and we wrote a number of articles which she translated into Czech, and I said that the President of the country after reading these articles refused to take the H1N1 vaccine. The head of their CDC-like organization was promoting it, but she refused to take the vaccine and they ended up destroying millions of dollars of vaccine because nobody would take them.
Health Ranger:You know, we see this reflected throughout the global system of so-called scientists. We see it in the Monsanto cafeterias, they won’t eat genetically modified food. We see the Queen of England not consuming pasteurized milk, having raw milk delivered to her family so they can drink raw, fresh milk. We see also in the UK I think there was a group of global elitists there who ordered up green vaccines, safe vaccines for their children which were single dose vaccines with no preservatives, no adjuvants in them. So we do, we have this denial, even a famous TV medical personality said publically his family isn’t vaccinated but he recommends that you get vaccinated. Time and time again, double standard.
Dr. Blaylock: Exactly, and we need to insist that anyone who makes a public demand that people take their vaccines or promotes it, then we want to know- see their vaccine records. And if not vaccinated, they should be vaccinated publically by vaccines that are off the shelf because they would get distilled water or saline. We want the heads of these companies and the boards of the companies all to be vaccinated with every vaccine they manufacture. And Paul Offit to get at least 36 hepatitis B vaccine all at once and videotape him for the next three weeks.
Health Ranger: I think that’s a great idea, and it can’t be vaccines that Paul Offit arranges himself because there’d be too much fraud going on. We’re talking about off the shelf, go down to CVS pharmacy, go down to Walgreen’s, let’s get off the shelf vaccines. We independently draw the vaccine into the syringe and we inject him 36 times and see what happens.
Dr. Blaylock: Well you see when you look at the aluminum dosage that infants are getting with the hepatitis B vaccine, it was 50 times higher than the EPA safety dose. So that equals to an adult getting about 36 different vaccines with hepatitis B. If that’s equal to what you’re giving to a six month old baby or a year old baby, than Paul Offit let’s give you 36 vaccines of Gardasil or tetanus or one of these other high aluminum vaccines and let’s see how you fare.
Health Ranger: You know what, I want to work with you on this public challenge, Dr. Blaylock. I think it’s brilliant, I think it proves the point and I bet you these so-called vaccine scientists will never allow themselves to be injected with all these vaccines because they know. Of course they know.
Dr. Blaylock: Of course they know, and I guarantee you the same challenge to the scientists in the CDC that are promoting them, I’ll guarantee you the scientists aren’t taking these vaccines.
Health Ranger: Well I took a vial of fluoride to an anti-fluoride town meeting about a decade ago and challenged the dentist there to drink the fluoride and none of them would drink it. They know it’s toxic. It would kill them.
Dr. Blaylock: It’s like oncologists, they did a survey of oncologists. They asked them would you take the same chemotherapeutic treatments that your patients take if you had cancer. 80 percent of them said no. Now that’s more telling than anything else.
Health Ranger: It really is, yeah. We’re way over time on this segment so I gotta wrap it up, but again I could talk to you for hours about this Dr. Blaylock, and I hope you’ll come back and join us again on some future segments. I want to thank you for your time, joining us today and encourage those watching to go to your website,, sign up for the email newsletter. Also go to to learn more information about the books and videos and other information that Dr. Blaylock has made available. Thank you, Dr. Blaylock, for joining us today.
Dr. Blaylock: Thank you, Mike.
Health Ranger: Always great to talk with you. Stay on the line please, I want to chat with you after this about some of the ideas you mentioned. That’s the interview with Dr. Blaylock folks, thanks for joining me today. This is Mike Adams the Health Ranger reporting for Natural Be sure to share this video on Facebook and Twitter and social networks. Get the word out there, you might save the life of a child, an infant, an expectant mother. You might save lives just by sharing this information and helping people stay informed and protect their own children against the scourge of vaccines in society today. Thanks for watching and take care.