Thousands not one or two…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Gallstones in the liver, a major health risk.

Think of the liver as a large city with thousands of houses and streets. There are underground pipes for delivering water, oil and gas. Sewage systems and garbage trucks remove the city’s waste products. Power lines deliver energy tot eh homes and businesses. Factories, transport systems, communication networks and stores meet the daily requirement of the residents. The organization of city life is such that it can provide all that it needs for the continued existence of the population. But if a major strike , a power outage, a devastating earthquake or a major act of terrorism such as 9/11, suddenly paralyses city life, the population will begin to suffer serious shortages in all these vital sectors.
Like a city’s infrastructure, the liver has hundreds of different functions and is connected with every part of the body. Every moment of the day it’s involved in manufacturing, processing and supplying vast amounts of nutrients. These nutrients feed the 60 to 100 trillion inhabitants (cells) of the body.
Each cell is, in itself, a microscopic city of immense complexity, with billions of chemical reaction per second. To sustain the incredibly diverse activities of all the cells of the body without disruption, the liver must supply them with a constant stream of nutrients, enzymes and hormones. With its intricate labyrinth or veins, ducts and specialized cells, the liver needs to be completely unobstructed in order to maintain a problem free production line and frictionless distribution system throughout the body.
The liver is the main organ responsible for distributing and maintaining the body’s fuel supply. Furthermore, its activities include the breaking down of complex chemicals and the synthesis of protein molecules. Te liver acts as a cleansing device; it also deactivates the hormones, alcohol and medicinal drugs, Its task is to modify these biologically active substances s o that they lose the potentially harmful effects- a process known as detoxification. Specialized cells in the liver’s blood vessels (Kupfler cells) mop up harmful elements and infectious organisms reaching the liver from the gut. The liver excretes the waste materials resulting from the actions via its bile duct network.

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Aliens in your mouth..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

I’m sure the thought of dentures to a lot of people is quite worrying, having teeth removed and then having a lump of plastic in your mouth strikes fear into your heart. Well, you have to consider the long term implications, rather than the narrow minded short term view of “how you look” or “what will others think”.
Options like Implants or Root canals may look nicer to an observer but will create long term problems for you, remember those people looking at you, do not live in your body, they do not have to cope with the pain and heartache of disease and illness. So many people contract a serious and often life threatening disease when they have had those artificial things permanently placed into their body.
Your body doesn’t want artificial things permanently placed into it, your immune system will do the job it’s meant to and that is to find unnatural or non self cells and attack them, try to eliminate them and remove them from the temple it calls your body.
So a denture, be it partial or full is definitely a better option, it’s healthier in so many ways, you can take it out of you mouth daily and clean it, clean under it and remove bacteria.
When I was working for Dr Huggins I regularly spoke with people asking a question about dentures, I would do my best to reassure them that dentures are a good option. However please read the article on cavitation’s and how to avoid them before having teeth removed.
You will often be told that the denture will be made to look a similar color to your gums, less offensive and less obvious, actually that is a load of BS so don’t let them do that.
The denture should have the minimal coloring as possible, when it’s colored pink, it is very obvious but there is a bigger factor involved, and that is the coloring agent’s used.
When it is colored pink, the color is made from either mercury or cadmium or both, I’ve said this many times before and I’m sure I’ll say it hundreds of times more. Mercury is the most toxic non radioactive substance on earth, Cadmium is not far behind. So steering clear of both is a good option.
The denture should be made from Clear Acrylic, nearly three years ago I had to have a 6 tooth partial because I had my front six teeth removed. Yes, I was really worried about having it done, but I was lucky to be able to see one of the best dentist’s in the country and probably the best in terms of Huggins trained dentists, Dr Blanche Grube who I honestly believe I owe my life to.
Rest assured, an implant or root canal is a horrible long term thing to have in your mouth, millions of people have contracted a disease or illness since having them, do they realize that this is the reason they became sick? no they don’t understand that. This is because there are billion and trillion dollar organizations spending millions of dollars on advertising to persuade, confuse, brainwash then reassure the public that these artificial things are friendly to the human body.
I ask you this question which I’d like you to spend a little time thinking about: why is this nation, the most powerful nation in the world, in the bottom half of the sickest nations in the world. Look at statistic’s compiled by the World Health Organization, the last time I looked the USA was number 90 in the list of 174 countries.
Our health is only important to ourselves and our loved ones, big pharma and the other five organizations that make up the group of six that control this country, do not give a hoot. They know that in their long term plan of reducing the population of the world and becoming more and more wealthy in the process is all that matters.

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

HCA fillings…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

HCA Fillings or High Copper Amalgam, Which essentially is three dangerous metals Mercury,Copper and Zinc.

During my three and a half years working for Dr. Huggins, I talked with more than 17,500 clients and I was frequently told that the client believee that they didn’t have the old silver filling, their reliable dentist informed them that they had the new “high copper amalgam” filling. He had told them that this was safer and more reliable than the antiquated filling they had before.
Yes it was true that this would last a lifetime, but what the dentist was probably unaware of was that this was likely to shorten your life, so yes the filling material would last.
The dentist was telling the truth, sort of, it was definitely more reliable, the question is “more reliable in what way?”
Well it was more reliably releasing a toxin that’s true but was it safer for the patient? The answer to that question is definitely a NO.
The High Copper Amalgam filling was developed by the American Dental Association (ADA) to furnish an amalgam that did not release mercury. Well this didn’t work exactly as they intended. The new filling released mercury vapor 50 times faster than the original.
So stating that in a different way, one amalgam placed since 1976 will provide the same mercury exposure that 50 of the old pre “76” fillings.
The toxicologist at the University of Arkansas, Dr. Louis Change once reported that one microgram of mercury will damage the human body. Professor Joseph Levisky at the University of Colorado stated that one atom kills one cell. I think each amalgam filling will release 34 micrograms daily, so do you think they are safe.
This process is speeded up dramatically by normal everyday human functions; chewing food is the primary culprit but the chemical reaction from acids speed up this process, and this can be even more damaging as it creates a corrosive effect. The next problem is the electrical effect, mercury combined with copper and silver stimulates an electrical current and releases mercury. Now if there is also a gold crown in the mouth this will increase the mercury release by 10 fold.
The last agitator is heat; drinking hot drinks will increase the amount of mercury vapor released from the amalgam.
The most sensitive parts of your body are the insides of your cheeks and under your tongue so you can imagine where the mercury vapor goes, yes straight into your blood stream to be deposited in various filter organs throughout your body, Heart, Liver, Kidneys and Brain.
Mercury can inflict damage in a variety of ways; it can rupture the cell membranes, nerve impulse transmission, hormonal malfunction and the creation of methyl mercury which sees no barrier such as the blood brain barrier and placental barrier.

In his/her benefit not yours….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Root Canals
A root canal is often recommended to a patient that has been having a minor problem with a tooth, slight pain or discomfort but then again it could be that you have had a fall and knocked the tooth so that it’s moving in the socket.
You experience this problem and see the dentist as your savior, someone that is going to relieve the pain and make it comfortable for you to eat again, what a nice person.
Well I suppose this paragraph is going to upset a lot of people, patients and dentists alike. A root canal is a bad thing, in fact it’s the worst thing a woman can have, it’s bad for men but the absolute worst thing a woman can have.
I’ll explain that in more depth a little later but now I’ll tell you why the dentist is recommending the root canal. You think it’s because it’s best for you, well no it’s not. but it is the best thing for the dentist.
Firstly it’s a very lucrative business, it probably takes the dentist an hour, and I’m being generous here, so an hour’s work relates to $1,000 to $1,500, good pay for an hour’s work.
Secondly the ADA had a requirement for dentists to place 40 million root canals each year, well that’s what it was at the end of 2007. In their infinite wisdom they changed that in 2008 to 60 million by 2012.
So American dentists have a quota to fill, yes they have so many to do each month, in fact the staff are encouraged to promote root canals to patients.
I remember in 2008 I was talking to a woman that had called in for information; she told me that she had recently moved to a new state. She called a dentist in the town she had moved to, the receptionist asked why she was calling and was told why she needed to see a dentist. “A slight pain in my front tooth”, the receptionist replied with “sounds like you need a root canal”. Now this is the recommendation from a receptionist on the end of a phone line not a dentist looking into her mouth.
Fortunately the woman did not use the dentist and called me for the name of a Huggins trained dentist.
Now to the point I made earlier and why a root canal is the worst thing for a woman, Dr Huggins did extensive research over many decades and part of that was specifically on root canals.
He found that a very large percentage of women that died of breast cancer also had a root canal; I believe it was more than 90%. Now that’s not a coincidence, if it had been 15 %or 20% then I suppose it could be written off as a coincidence but in excess of 90% then no, it’s just too much.
I’ll clarify what I mean here, this doesn’t mean that if you’re a woman and you have a root canal you’ll get breast cancer; it means you have a greater chance of getting breast cancer if you have a root canal.
Similarly just because you smoke it doesn’t mean you’ll get lung cancer however there is a far greater chance of getting lung cancer if you smoke than if you don’t.
So is there an alternative to root canals?, yes to get the same long term effects of course there is an alternative, try taking small doses of strychnine on a daily basis. Sorry for my flippancy, but the strychnine will devastate your body, slowly which is similar to what happens with root canals?
When the dentist does the root canal, he or she drills through the enamel and cleans out the dentin tubules of which there are more than 3 miles of these microscopic tubes. Then removes the pulp chamber, so the tooth is now dead, it’s then filled with a wax called Gutta Percha which is heated. The tooth is sealed, now anything that is warm will cool over time. When the Gutta Percha cools, it shrinks causing little voids in the tooth, there are bacteria which were aerobic bacteria which require oxygen, but they mutate
into anaerobic bacteria that can thrive in the absence of oxygen. Some of those bacteria are more toxic than botulism or tetanus.
When the tooth is dead it creates other problems, the bacteria accumulating in the tooth is bad enough, however it gets worse, blood normally flows to the tooth to help move the nutrients to the living tooth. But it’s dead so the blood doesn’t provide the necessary nutrition anymore. The tooth attaches to the bone via something called a periodontal ligament, when the tooth originally grew in your mouth this ligament was formed. Six different types of strands form the ligament, there are thousands of them forming a shock absorber between the tooth and the bone. Three types grow down from the tooth and three types grow up from the bone intermeshing to form this hammock if you will.
So because it’s dead there are anaerobic bacteria in the tooth and around the tooth in the periodontal ligament, so it’s no wonder a large percentage of root canals are re done and often several times.
There is no such thing as a sterile root canal… it is very misleading when you are told it’s a successful root canal. What is really meant is that it’s an unsuccessful root canal, yes it’s solid and it’s not giving you pain at the moment but it is causing other problems it’s just that you aren’t aware of them yet.
When something is in your body that your body doesn’t like, you experience problems, your immune system lets you know by way of a symptom. It’s your body’s way of telling you something isn’t right. Something shouldn’t be there, it’s not natural and your body is trying to eliminate it. What do you do, you see a doctor or dentist and they give you a drug which mask’s the symptom. Keeping this as simple and understandable as possible, there are little switches in your body that say…PAIN… the drug turns that switch off. The problem is still there but you have been told to adopt the ostrich attitude and bury your head in the sand.
As I mentioned earlier, a root canal is in the best interest of the dentist, not you. But you have pain in your mouth and quite often its excruciating pain. Now there might be a genuine case for removing the tooth, I know that doesn’t sound like a good option but it has to be considered if the tooth is dead. However there may be an alternative and one that is very easy to do.
Now I know lots of people are going to read what I say now and just dismiss it without a second thought. Vitamin C is one of the most overlooked and underrated vitamins; I’m not talking about the standard dose recommended by the authority that appears to have no idea of its true value or concern for your health.
Now I’m not saying that this will cure the problem but I am telling you that Vitamin C will help. When you have bacteria in your blood, and there are various ways it might have
got there. You might have had a fall and knocked the tooth loose. You might have eaten some foods that didn’t agree with you or it might have been the fact you’ve been doing something wrong for your body for many years and your immune system has said ”enough”, the sign for this is pain. When bacteria gets into the blood it will manifest itself in a variety of ways, if this is in your mouth then the likelihood is that it will show itself as an abscess. This is just as likely to be a rash on your skin or an ache in a joint.
Firstly I’d make sure you have sodium ascorbate powder (Vit-C), there are numerous places you can get a decent sodium ascorbate from but my recommendations are:
Brunson product, 1 800 610 4848
Huggins Applied Healing, 1 866 948 4638
Either one is good, so this is how it’s used.
¼ teaspoon in 2 oz’s water then put ½ oz of the water into your mouth, lean your head to the side so the water and sodium ascorbate cover the tooth that is infected. Let it bathe in the water for 45 seconds then spit it out, don’t flush it around your mouth just let it sit over the infected tooth. Repeat the process three more times until all the water is gone.
Repeat that process 6 times each day.
Do this for 7 days.
I can just hear some of you saying, “That’s a pain in the butt, I’m not going to do that” well it’s a very easy and cheap alternative to losing the tooth and certainly a lot less traumatic and painful than having a root canal.
If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

Killer drugs given by your doctor…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

PRADAXA can cause bleeding which can be serious and sometimes lead to death…
What are the possible side effects of PRADAXA?
These are not my observations or my opinion, this is the list taken from the official Pradaxa website, look at the headline…SOMETIMES LEAD TO DEATH.
Wake up people, the pharmaceutical industry is taking you for fools, they are laughing all the way to the bank, along with the legal profession who know they can sue these people. They are all in it together, making millions, no BILLIONS from the demise of the human race, or at least the American population. I say that because here in the US the majority of people use one drug or another. Yes they do take drugs in Europe but not as frequently.
It sickens me to watch TV without a DVR, I use this to skip over the ridiculous commercials for drugs, if you watch TV in the evening you’ll notice that the majority of ads are for pharmaceuticals. Using very clever marketing to con the viewer into believing it’s ok to make a stand and take the drug.
Read the small print on your medication, ask at the pharmacy why you have to sign the little slip before they give you the drug. You are signing that slip to say you will not hold the drug company responsible if you get sicker or die because of taking the med’s.
The following is from the website of Pradaxa, every side effect that’s mentioned is an actual side effect of people that were guinea pigs for the drug, they actually happened.
PRADAXA can cause serious side effects. Click on the “WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT INFORMATION I SHOULD KNOW ABOUT PRADAXA?” link above to learn more.
In some people, PRADAXA can cause symptoms of an allergic reaction, including hives, rash, and itching. Tell your doctor or get medical help right away if you get any of the following symptoms of a serious allergic reaction with PRADAXA:
• Chest pain or chest tightness.
• Swelling of your face or tongue.
• Trouble breathing or wheezing.
• Feeling dizzy or faint.
Common side effects of PRADAXA include:
• Indigestion, upset stomach, or burning.
• Stomach pain.
Tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away.
These are not all of the possible side effects of PRADAXA. For more information, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088, or by visiting
PRADAXA can cause bleeding which can be serious and sometimes lead to death.
Call your doctor or seek immediate medical care if you have any of the following signs or symptoms of bleeding:
• • any unexpected, severe, or uncontrollable bleeding; or bleeding that lasts a long time
• • unusual or unexpected bruising
• • coughing up or vomiting blood; or vomit that looks like coffee grounds
• • pink or brown urine; red or black stools (looks like tar)
• • unexpected pain, swelling, or joint pain
• • headaches and feeling dizzy or weak
• It is important to tell your doctor about all medicines, vitamins and supplements you take. Some of your other medicines may affect the way PRADAXA works.
• Take PRADAXA exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Don’t stop taking PRADAXA without talking to your doctor as your risk of stroke may increase.
• Tell your doctor if you are planning to have any surgery, or medical or dental procedure, because you may have to stop taking PRADAXA for a short time.
• PRADAXA can cause indigestion, stomach upset or burning, and stomach pain.

The list above actually happened to the people that tested this drug, read that again….it happened so it is possible to happen to you. As I mentioned earlier, you sign that little slip of paper at the pharmacy and relinquish any right to legal action against the pharacy. They are happy to dole out the drug but not willing to stand by it, they just want the profit.

If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

The healthy hoax…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

Like most people you care about your health and the shape of your body and you try to make healthier food choices. But mainstream media keeps confusing you with conflicting “reports” about what’s bad and good for you…

You’ve probably received no shortage of advice from magazines and TV shows like Dr Oz and others telling you what to eat and what not to eat.

But did you know that most of the popular “health” foods that are being pushed on you in the media and TV ads can actually make you GAIN weight, as well as cause terrible diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

That’s right, the so called “gurus” are falling prey to the same myths as everyone else. And they’re passing their faulty food choice advice on to you.

In fact, on several mainstream popular TV shows (even on the Biggest Loser, which aside from their bad nutrition advice in my opinion, I actually like the show for many other reasons), you’ll hear the advice time and time again that you “need” whole grains. They seem to completely ignore the fact that humans had better health for the 1.9 Million years when we ate virtually no grains at all before agriculture was invented.

Plus they seem to completely ignore the fact that we can obtain ALL of the fiber and micronutrients we need from veggies and fruits without the negatives of grains (excess blood-sugar spiking starch, gluten, and other antinutrients)

But the advice shoved down everyone’s throat to eat massive quantities of “whole grains” every single day of their lives surely equates to MASSIVE profits for the grain industry, as well as HUGE health problems such as diabetes and heart disease for large portions of the population which feeds the medical and big pharma industries too.

But we’re not JUST going to talk about grains in this email…

The truth is, most of the popular “health foods” you see pushed in the media are complete garbage, and will actually increase your waistline instead of making it smaller!

To be honest, I could go on and on about the horrible food choices I see each and every day, even by well intentioned people. But I’ll limit myself to 4 of the WORST offenders below (this relates not just to breakfast, but any meal)

Here are my top four BAD foods that get constant praise for contributing to a lean and healthy lifestyle. And I’ll explain why you want to AVOID them:

1. Whole Grain Cereals or Breads

I cringe every time I hear someone say, “but it’s whole grain, so that means it’s healthy, right?”

I realize this is hard to accept for many people, but I want to go on record and say that in my opinion you should completely remove cereal from your diet. There’s just no valid reason to eat it if you care about your body (aside from maybe 1 cheat meal a week).

Forget the breakfast of champions… forget the picture of a lean, attractive woman in yoga pants enjoying a bowl of cereal, and ditch the cereal for good.

Cereal, even whole grain, is highly processed and often loaded with sugar, chemicals, and harsh additives. Whole grain cereal also contains higher levels of antinutrients than refined grains, which means that BOTH regular cereals and whole grain cereals have more detriments than benefits.

The “health experts” claim that whole grains are necessary for a healthy heart, but the only heart healthy component of cereal is fiber, which can be found in much healthier versions in fruits and vegetables. To be clear, despite the propaganda you hear daily, humans DON’T need the fiber from grains to be healthy… the fiber from veggies and fruits is actually a healthier version.

Cereal is also very high on the glycemic index, which means that it makes your blood sugar rise very quickly — yes, even whole grain cereals — an almost certain recipe for thicker love handles and jiggly arms. And if you missed the explanation in this article, whole wheat contains a unique type of carbohydrate not found in other foods that actually spikes your blood sugar HIGHER than pure table sugar… Ouch!

I can hear you asking,
“Yeah but… what the heck do I eat for breakfast?”

I recommend a good protein source, some fiber, and a good healthy fat source to keep your blood sugar stable and controlled, keep insulin levels low, give you a long lasting energy burn, maintain lean muscle, keep you full for longer, and sustain your calorie-burning efforts.

Having high-carbohydrate breakfasts that are based around cereal, bagels, juices, etc. is a cultural phenomenon, NOT a physiological one.

We eat that way because that’s how everyone else in our culture does it [thanks to the big advertising budgets of the food industry], yet a high-protein, high healthy fat, lower-carb breakfast is what’s best for our bodies.

Eating a high protein breakfast may take some getting used to initially, but you’ll be rewarded with much greater energy, a leaner waistline, and no more mid-morning crashes or hunger pangs caused by carbohydrate abuse!

Here are a few breakfasts that would fit the bill nicely:

-Whole organic eggs (cooked any style), veggies, kimchi or kraut, and organic bacon
-Bison steak, veggies, kimchi or kraut, and cashews
-Chicken sausage, spinach cooked in coconut oil with garlic, and a couple Brazil nuts
-Protein shake with almond butter, berries, raw cacao powder, and stevia
-A vegetable smoothie with added fat such as nuts and avocado (fat increases absorption of nutrients in veggies)

2. Most Yogurts, with this exception…

C’mon. Everyone knows yogurt is a heathy diet snack. Hey, it’s fat-free, so it couldn’t possibly be unhealthy or derail your diet plan, right?


Most yogurt, even if it’s fat-free, is chock full of sugar! I see some yogurts with only 5 grams of protein and more than 30 grams of carbs from sugar… yuck, I asked for yogurt, not syrup!

To make matters even worse, many times the sugar added is high-fructose corn syrup, which actually signals your genes to store body fat.

This means that what you think is an innocent snack is actually sending messages to your very DNA to stockpile fat deposits all over your body!

This doesn’t just apply to “desserts” like frozen yogurt either. Most of the “healthy” yogurt tubs you can find in the store, and that are advertised heavily on TV as great diet foods, are loaded with fat-storing sugars and additives.

Do you have to completely give up yogurt?

No, thankfully you don’t. There is one kind of yogurt that will help you with your fat-burning efforts. And that is organic Greek yogurt, or plain unsweetened yogurt.

I prefer to eat my Greek yogurt with a handful of organic blueberries or raspberries and a tablespoon or so of chia seeds mixed in. You can also add a dash of natural stevia sweetener if you like. The end result is a yogurt meal with more protein than carbs, and a good dose of healthy fiber too, with a nice delicious lightly sweet taste.

Be cautious, however, because not all Greek yogurt is created equal…

Sadly, once word got out that Greek yogurt can actually be quite good for you, yogurt manufacturers started loading their Greek yogurt with sugar to make it taste better than their competitors.

Before you purchase Greek yogurt, make sure you turn the container over and look at the ingredient list. If you see sugar, high fructose corn syrup, agave, honey, or evaporated cane juice on the label, then put it down and find yourself a PLAIN greek yogurt.

3. Energy bars

I must admit, I used to make this critical mistake years ago back when I first started trying to really eat healthy.

I loaded up my pantry with every variety of health bars, energy bars, and protein bars that I could find.

“Now, I’ll be able to eat on-the-go and still get the body that I’ve always wanted” is what I thought as I plowed through box-after box of these little treats. I mean, it is what the advertisement promised, isn’t it?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but most energy bars, health bars, meal replacement bars, and protein bars are simply glorified candy bars.

Most of them are chock full of sugar, corn syrup, hydrogenated fats, gluten, chemical additives, and soy protein… all things that are certain to add girth to your waistline! Not fun.

I realize that you’ve got a busy life and need to have some convenience foods. While planning ahead and cooking in bulk will help you in this arena, there are some times when you might just get stuck and need some food on-the-run.

For these instances, I recommend organic nuts and seeds, a little bit of high-fiber fruit, and vegetables. If you’re in need of a bit more protein, try some hard boiled eggs or organic preservative-free deli meat wrapped around avocado slices or veggie sticks for a high protein, high fiber snack that will keep you fueled, smash your cravings, and keep you lean.

The only truly healthy bars that I’ve found were just released about a month ago and I am in LOVE with these bars. They have 20 grams of protein, a whopping 14 grams of fiber, loaded with healthy fats and antioxidants, and have ZERO gluten or soy.

4. Diet version of […insert any food here…]

In an effort to lose fat, you may have found yourself reaching for the “diet” versions of your favorite high-calorie foods.

Diet sodas, diet ice cream, diet candy, fat-free this, sugar-free that….. It’s all a nightmare for your body composition.

The diet, sugar-free, and fat-free trend began because people were led to believe that calories were the ONLY thing responsible for weight gain, and that by minimizing them, you could ensure fat loss.

Food manufacturers jumped on this concept and created a way for you to enjoy all your favorite junk foods all the time, and still think you would lose fat.

But here’s why it doesn’t work: Calories are not the ONLY reason why you have excess body fat.

Of course too many calories, even from healthy foods, can cause you to sport a thicker midsection, but another reason for stalled fat loss is because of toxins and hormonal problems.

Any time your body senses toxins in the blood stream, it tries to neutralize them by wrapping them up in fat cells to protect your body from the harmful molecules.

While this is a good thing (I mean, nobody wants toxins entering the brain, reproductive organs, etc) to some extent, it is also why you may not be dropping the pounds despite your best efforts.

So why are diet, fat-free, and sugar free products cause for concern? It’s because when they remove the fat, the sugar, and the calories, they need something to make the products taste good, so they use nasty chemicals.

Many common chemicals that are used to sweeten or to flavor food and beverages are highly toxic, especially if you consume them every day.

Because of this, your diet foods and drinks are causing you to create fat cells to trap the toxins for protection.

Rather than relying on diet versions of food, it’s best to just eat the real thing but reserve your favorite “junk food” ONLY for your cheat days or cheat meals, when you want to have high calories to revamp leptin and boost your metabolism.

Getting in shape and losing fat should be an enjoyable process. You don’t have to deprive and starve yourself. Simply making better food choices, and avoiding some of the false “health” foods that are blocking your progress is the first step.

This is not for your benefit, it’s his or hers…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I’m referring to your dentist…

Root Canals
A root canal is often recommended to a patient that has been having a minor problem with a tooth, slight pain or discomfort but then again it could be that you have had a fall and knocked the tooth so that it’s moving in the socket.
You experience this problem and see the dentist as your savior, someone that is going to relieve the pain and make it comfortable for you to eat again, what a nice person.
Well I suppose this paragraph is going to upset a lot of people, patients and dentists alike. A root canal is a bad thing, in fact it’s the worst thing a woman can have, it’s bad for men but the absolute worst thing a woman can have.
I’ll explain that in more depth a little later but now I’ll tell you why the dentist is recommending the root canal. You think it’s because it’s best for you, well no it’s not. but it is the best thing for the dentist.
Firstly it’s a very lucrative business, it probably takes the dentist an hour, and I’m being generous here, so an hour’s work relates to $1,000 to $1,500, good pay for an hour’s work.
Secondly the ADA had a requirement for dentists to place 40 million root canals each year, well that’s what it was at the end of 2007. In their infinite wisdom they changed that in 2008 to 60 million by 2012.
So American dentists have a quota to fill, yes they have so many to do each month, in fact the staff are encouraged to promote root canals to patients.
I remember in 2008 I was talking to a woman that had called in for information; she told me that she had recently moved to a new state. She called a dentist in the town she had moved to, the receptionist asked why she was calling and was told why she needed to see a dentist. “A slight pain in my front tooth”, the receptionist replied with “sounds like you need a root canal”. Now this is the recommendation from a receptionist on the end of a phone line not a dentist looking into her mouth.
Fortunately the woman did not use the dentist and called me for the name of a Huggins trained dentist.
Now to the point I made earlier and why a root canal is the worst thing for a woman, Dr Huggins did extensive research over many decades and part of that was specifically on root canals.
He found that a very large percentage of women that died of breast cancer also had a root canal; I believe it was more than 90%. Now that’s not a coincidence, if it had been 15 %or 20% then I suppose it could be written off as a coincidence but in excess of 90% then no, it’s just too much.
I’ll clarify what I mean here, this doesn’t mean that if you’re a woman and you have a root canal you’ll get breast cancer; it means you have a greater chance of getting breast cancer if you have a root canal.
Similarly just because you smoke it doesn’t mean you’ll get lung cancer however there is a far greater chance of getting lung cancer if you smoke than if you don’t.
So is there an alternative to root canals?, yes to get the same long term effects of course there is an alternative, try taking small doses of strychnine on a daily basis. Sorry for my flippancy, but the strychnine will devastate your body, slowly which is similar to what happens with root canals?
When the dentist does the root canal, he or she drills through the enamel and cleans out the dentin tubules of which there are more than 3 miles of these microscopic tubes. Then removes the pulp chamber, so the tooth is now dead, it’s then filled with a wax called Gutta Percha which is heated. The tooth is sealed, now anything that is warm will cool over time. When the Gutta Percha cools, it shrinks causing little voids in the tooth, there are bacteria which were aerobic bacteria which require oxygen, but they mutate
into anaerobic bacteria that can thrive in the absence of oxygen. Some of those bacteria are more toxic than botulism or tetanus.
When the tooth is dead it creates other problems, the bacteria accumulating in the tooth is bad enough, however it gets worse, blood normally flows to the tooth to help move the nutrients to the living tooth. But it’s dead so the blood doesn’t provide the necessary nutrition anymore. The tooth attaches to the bone via something called a periodontal ligament, when the tooth originally grew in your mouth this ligament was formed. Six different types of strands form the ligament, there are thousands of them forming a shock absorber between the tooth and the bone. Three types grow down from the tooth and three types grow up from the bone intermeshing to form this hammock if you will.
So because it’s dead there are anaerobic bacteria in the tooth and around the tooth in the periodontal ligament, so it’s no wonder a large percentage of root canals are re done and often several times.
There is no such thing as a sterile root canal… it is very misleading when you are told it’s a successful root canal. What is really meant is that it’s an unsuccessful root canal, yes it’s solid and it’s not giving you pain at the moment but it is causing other problems it’s just that you aren’t aware of them yet.
When something is in your body that your body doesn’t like, you experience problems, your immune system lets you know by way of a symptom. It’s your body’s way of telling you something isn’t right. Something shouldn’t be there, it’s not natural and your body is trying to eliminate it. What do you do, you see a doctor or dentist and they give you a drug which mask’s the symptom. Keeping this as simple and understandable as possible, there are little switches in your body that say…PAIN… the drug turns that switch off. The problem is still there but you have been told to adopt the ostrich attitude and bury your head in the sand.
As I mentioned earlier, a root canal is in the best interest of the dentist, not you. But you have pain in your mouth and quite often its excruciating pain. Now there might be a genuine case for removing the tooth, I know that doesn’t sound like a good option but it has to be considered if the tooth is dead. However there may be an alternative and one that is very easy to do.
Now I know lots of people are going to read what I say now and just dismiss it without a second thought. Vitamin C is one of the most overlooked and underrated vitamins; I’m not talking about the standard dose recommended by the authority that appears to have no idea of its true value or concern for your health.
Now I’m not saying that this will cure the problem but I am telling you that Vitamin C will help. When you have bacteria in your blood, and there are various ways it might have
got there. You might have had a fall and knocked the tooth loose. You might have eaten some foods that didn’t agree with you or it might have been the fact you’ve been doing something wrong for your body for many years and your immune system has said ”enough”, the sign for this is pain. When bacteria gets into the blood it will manifest itself in a variety of ways, if this is in your mouth then the likelihood is that it will show itself as an abscess. This is just as likely to be a rash on your skin or an ache in a joint.
Firstly I’d make sure you have sodium ascorbate powder (Vit-C), there are numerous places you can get a decent sodium ascorbate from but my recommendations are:
Brunson product, 1 800 610 4848
Huggins Applied Healing, 1 866 948 4638
Either one is good, so this is how it’s used.
¼ teaspoon in 2 oz’s water then put ½ oz of the water into your mouth, lean your head to the side so the water and sodium ascorbate cover the tooth that is infected. Let it bathe in the water for 45 seconds then spit it out, don’t flush it around your mouth just let it sit over the infected tooth. Repeat the process three more times until all the water is gone.
Repeat that process 6 times each day.
Do this for 7 days.
I can just hear some of you saying, “That’s a pain in the butt, I’m not going to do that” well it’s a very easy and cheap alternative to losing the tooth and certainly a lot less traumatic and painful than having a root canal.
If you like what you read, please consider donating to help support my blog, even as little as $5 will help.

Calcium part two.

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Many people ask the question about calcium and a good form to put into your body, the calcium you buy from your local health store is more than likely calcium that is inorganic, meaning it has no place in your body.

Calcium from dolomite, is rock and inorganic, calcium from bone, someone or something else’s is dead and unable to provide you with any benefit at all. Calcium from coral is also inorganic so will do nothing other than prevent your body from absorbing the organic, necessary form of this vital nutrient.

The only form of calcium that will help you comes from the earth, vegetable’s provide your body with the an abundance of calcium, broccoli and lettuce to name a couple.

Most people will think that the function of calcium in the body is related to hair, teeth and bones. Yes it is one of the requirements your body has for calcium but certainly not the main one.

When you move a limb or body part, even blinking and or pointing a finger requires a conscious or subconscious action, you don’t think about blinking or scratching an itch, you just do it. Your brain say’s move an arm or start walking and the part of your body carries out the action.

The command travels from your brain along a very complex network of nerves, the nerves are not just seamless strands, they have breaks in them. In order for the signal to travel along the network it has to jump across the break, this is where calcium comes into play. An explosion happens, a synapse that enables the signal to jump across the break and continue it’s journey to the specific limb or body part. This signal takes second’s, microseconds, nanoseconds to happen so it appears seamless to you, this synapse, the explosion requires a combination of different elements in the correct ratio to each other. Magnesium, Manganese, Sodium and Calcium are four major components.

So eating foods, good organic foods and masticating (chewing) them properly to activate the necessary enzymes for the body to absorb and assimilate is so important.

I want you to take a few minutes thinking about your health or that of a loved one or friend. Are you/they healthy, do you eat the right foods, do you chew your food? I ask you to seriously think about what is happening in your life, since I came to America from England ten years ago. One thing that stood out almost more than anything else was the natural tendency of normal people to reach for a pill when something wasn’t right. It seems that because of TV and media advertising, most people are brainwashed into taking pills. It’s become a standard nowadays to accept ill-health and take pills to address the symptom rather than looking deeper, look for the cause and stop eating or drinking or smoking it.

Some will look upon this post as a bit “out there” or “new age” or “too religious” but God didn’t put us on this planet to be sick, He wants us all to be healthy and live in abundance.

The majority of illness these days is man-made, yes man-made…

It isn’t that research is so much more advanced and that is why disease has been discovered, no, it’s been made and named by the pharmaceutical giants, who’s only intention is to make more profit from the demise of the uninformed.

I have to say this, to make it known to the general public, I maybe a very small itch to these terrible people, but I hope I can help people, even one person to find health again.

Hopefully my input will not be considered too much of a problem to them and I will be able to continue doing what I love.

Please consider donating to help me continue this blog, any donation will be very gratefully received, I truly appreciate your help and please read My Story to get a better understanding of my request..



Removal of toxins…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

During my time working for Dr. Huggins I constantly
came across clients wanting to go through some form of detoxification or chelation,
my first question was to ask why?. The standard response was “to
remove the heavy metals from my body
” it has been proven that these come
primarily from the amalgam fillings placed in the teeth over the years.

I can understand why this would be a strong desire especially as the person had been
experiencing one form of health problem or another and often this had been the
case for several years.

I would then ask if they still had amalgam fillings in their teeth, if the answer was
yes then I’d explain that there was no point in using one of the many forms of
detox or chelation at this time.

To do this was a little like trying to dry yourself while still in the shower…yes
that does sound a little silly but that is what they would be doing.

The amalgam was, and is the greatest source of mercury released into the body,
every time you chew, brush your teeth or drink hot drinks you stimulate the
release of methyl mercury which is 100 times more toxic than mercury, mercury
is the most toxic non radioactive substance on earth.

So, detoxification is simply not a viable option until the amalgams have been

Now back to the subject of detoxification, I will cover this assuming that there
are no amalgams in your teeth.

We’ve all seen and heard the many claims that a particular product will remove all
heavy metals from your body in two days, or one week or a month. All you have
to do is drink this unction or potion twice a day or take this pill with all
meals or whatever…

Some, I’m sure will have some positive effect’s however, most don’t…mercury is not an
element that actually wants to leave the body once it has found somewhere to
live. The problem is that blood tests in the main will not show mercury in the
blood, it’s devious, it hides, and I liken it to the Taliban or some other
terrorist organization. They wouldn’t wander the streets of NY holding a banner
claiming to kill all the American infidels. No, they would take a job and
pretend to be an active member of the community.

Ok so what do I mean by this, your blood cells all carry an identifier like a
number plate on a car, this is called a Major Histocompatibily Complex (MHC).
This is unique to every person; your immune system constantly looks for “non
self” cells, when found the alarm bells are sounded

The first line of defense is Globulin, part of the total protein in your body. Globulin
will rush in to attack the invader, but sadly, mercury is indestructible to
anything the body can throw at it so all that happens is the globulin is
rendered totally ineffective and the mercury now has a hiding place.

So, when you have your blood tested by those wonderful people telling you that
their product is “the best thing since sliced bread”, mercury doesn’t show up,
and “wow, this amazing product has
done its job…no it hasn’t, it’s just
that the mercury is hiding.

To my knowledge there is only one way of actually finding the level of mercury in one’s
body, this test is done by a wonderful company called “Quicksliver Scientific”
in Lafayette, Colorado run by Chris Shade, PhD.

This is a methyl and inorganic mercury test, and as far as I know, Dr Shade is the
only one in the country doing this. At the beginning of 2011 the cost was $250.00.

There are several tests that can be done in addition to the methyl mercury test that
will help, please spend some time at their website.

Dr. Shade is a wonderful man and can be contacted:

303 531 0861

[email protected]

The test is done by Quicksilver Scientific but you still need pay to have the blood
draw, this is done through a lab such as LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics, you’ll
need to do your own research here because the blood draw can vary from $35 to
$100. At the end of the day it’s just a blood draw and should be on the lower
end of the scale.

Probably the easiest and least traumatic way of detoxifying is to use the C-flush method
which is basically using Vitamin C or Sodium Ascorbate powder, when doing this
you should always ensure you have the following ingredients:

Sodium Ascorbate powder

Probiotic capsules/tablets/drink

Activated charcoal capsules


Or you can call Huggins Applied Healing and buy the C-Flush package which includes
all the above. 1 800 948 4638

This process is best started on a Saturday if you work during the week; this is to
allow a day of rest following the C-flush.

The program is done over a 7 week period, week one you start by taking one gram of
sodium ascorbate powder (roughly a level teaspoon) in 2 oz’s of water, mix
thoroughly and swallow.

This is done every 20 minutes until the onset of diarrhea, it typically takes 8 or 9
grams to induce diarrhea, and once the diarrhea starts it will normally
continue for a couple of hours. Do not take any more sodium ascorbate powder
that day. If however diarrhea hasn’t started by the fifteenth gram you should
stop and try again the next day.

You should drink the electrolyte drink to replace those lost during the elimination;
I found that taking two activated charcoal caps a few hours after the diarrhea
has stopped will also help in preventing an unexpected reoccurrence.

Now I said this is done over a 7 week period so here are the specific instructions:

Week 1.

One gram of sodium ascorbate powder in 2 oz’s of water every 20 minutes until diarrhea
starts, continue to eat normally during the day. Take two charcoal capsules
several hours after the diarrhea has stopped, also take the electrolyte drink
and the Probiotic.

The following day should be a day of rest and recuperation because you will feel
rather drained and a little tired.

Week 2.

Repeat the process as per week one.

Week 3.

Repeat the process as per week one.

Week 4, 5 and 6.

Eat normally; take no sodium ascorbate powder.

Week 7.

Repeat process for week one.

This is the least traumatic way of detoxifying and one that is recommended by Dr.

When I first joined Dr. Huggins, I wanted to try the C Flush so I would have
firsthand experience and be able to honestly relate my findings to the clients
I talked to each day. So during the first seven weeks I used this method of
detoxifying and found it quite helpful and very easy to do.

If you’ve had your amalgam fillings removed and there is a very specific procedure
to do this which I will cover later in the book under the heading Amalgam
fillings. A couple of weeks later you can start the detoxification through a
vitamin c flush or another very useful and effective product is IMD made by Quicksilver Scientific.

IMD is Intestinal Metal Detox which
comes in a powder or 100mg capsule form, the contact information is listed
earlier in this e-book.

I personally used this product with very positive effects for 18 months, during
this time I had no negative side effects.

In fact when I first met Dr. Shade in 2008, we discussed my health problems, I had
been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2004 so he suggested I use the
IMD and gave me a three month supply.

I had recently gone through a Total Dental Revision with the wonderful Dr.
Blanche Grube so exercising wasn’t an option for me initially; however after a
three month wait which was very difficult for me I was able to start to gently

During the first week of using IMD I was taking it in the morning after eating
breakfast, Dr. Shade had suggested I
take it on an empty stomach but that just didn’t work for me as it gave me an upset
stomach. However after I started taking it an hour after my food in the morning
I started noticing very positive results.

Before I started on IMD I tried exercising but it was still very difficult for me, an
exercise called a squat thrust, starting in a push up position then jumping
your legs forward and backwards.

I managed 6 pathetic squat thrusts, I was embarrassed at my feeble attempts,
however a week after using IMD I was able to do 20 squat thrusts, then 30
minutes later I did another 20.

Over the next month it improved to sets of 60 three times in the evening, meaning I
did 180 each day.

As far as I know the product costs around $130 for a 10 week supply, taking one
per day, 5 days on then 2 off.

Another method recommended by Dr. Huggins would be a hot bath or/and a far infra red
sauna, now if both are used, they should not be done both on the same day, I’ll
explain the reasons why.

Firstly the hot bath is probably the easier and cheaper method than far infra red sauna;
it is only the cost of a bath of hot water and some Epsom salts.

Run a bath of hot water, but not too hot, the temperature should be only as hot as
you feel comfortable stepping in without burning your feet or making that “ah
sound. Pour a cup of Epsom salts into the running water, swish it around to mix
the salts effectively into the water.

Make sure you have a bath sheet, a large bath towel, lower yourself into the bath
and pull the bath sheet around you in the water.

Stay in the bath no longer than you feel comfortable, this would vary between
people, so I suggest no longer than 15 minutes. Then stand up and shower
yourself off, do not wipe the water off yourself first as all this will do is
push the excreted mercury back into your skin.

You can do this three times per week.

If you have a Far Infra Red Sauna, only use this on the days you are not taking the
bath, alternate between the two, only use the sauna three times per week. This
is because your body can only detox at a certain speed. Think of it this way,
if you had a wide mouthed funnel, you can pile whatever you want funneled as
quick as you like, however the other end is only a narrow tube. So, it will
come out at a much slower rate, meaning the material you are trying to detox
from will overflow which will cause you to feel sick or at least very unwell.

I’m talking from experience here, while going through a detox after my dental
revision and feeling very good about myself. I “overdosed” on my detox. Sad because I’m very good at giving advice
but it seems not too good at taking my own, is that a man thing? So I learnt
the hard way, and want you to benefit from my own silly mistakes.

Over the years I regularly spoke to people who asked about chlorella, my opinion is
different from Dr. Huggins, he tells people to stay away from this product
because it comes from the ocean. In his opinion anything from the ocean and
that includes all forms of sea food/fish/plankton etc is contaminated with

I have the utmost respect for Dr. Huggins and the amazing work he has done over
the years and I’m not saying that he is wrong, at the end of the day I am just
me, Stefan Cairns, I’m not a doctor/PhD/Scientist .just someone that worked for
him for three and a half years.

However I did a great deal of research and I believe your mind should be like a
parachute, it doesn’t work unless it’s open. With this attitude I put a great
deal of faith in Dr. Joseph Mercola who has the biggest natural health website
in the world.

Dr. Mercola talks very positively about chlorella products and the effectiveness in
heavy metal removal.

Guilty by association….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I think there is more misinformation about cholesterol than anything else, the
average person has been duped and mislead into thinking that cholesterol is
bad, it’s actually a saint not a sinner.

To explain the subject line, if you were to do a survey of accidents in your local town you’d find that in every RTA or road traffic accident there was always an Ambulance present. Do these statistics mean that if you remove all the ambulances there would be fewer accidents….no of course not but that is what you are lead to believe by the pariahs called big pharma who are raking in billions with this simple lie.

There really isn’t bad cholesterol; yes there are types of cholesterol but not just
two as is often thought.

is high density lipoproteins

is low density lipoproteins

is very low density lipoproteins and they all have a place, they have a valid
reason to be in the body.

The body manufactures around 60% of the cholesterol it needs to function, so you
require the other 40% from foods. As vegetables do not contain cholesterol your
body needs to get it from an animal diet.

Cholesterol is the second biggest natural detoxifier in the body, Albumin being the
biggest. So when you are exposed to toxins either through your diet or some
other avenue the cholesterol sets about neutralizing them.

I suppose that it’s fair to say that cholesterol is guilty by association, if you
did a survey of the accidents in your local city you’d find that every time
there was a vehicle accident, there was also an ambulance present. It would it be fair to suggest that the
ambulance was the common denominator, but unfair to say that the ambulance was
the guilty party when it came to vehicle accidents. No, the ambulance was there
because of the accident and the same applies to cholesterol. As the second
biggest natural detoxifier it rushes in to protect you and eliminate the
toxins, but what happens is the medical profession see you have high
cholesterol in their opinion and give you a statin drug.

The statin artificially lowers your cholesterol and enables the toxins to run riot,
you suffer a heart attack or stroke and the doctor says,” I’m sorry it was just because of your high cholesterol, we prescribed
an anticholestrol medication but the cholesterol was too high and we couldn’t
get it down quick enough”.

This is a load of rubbish, cholesterol is there to help you, God didn’t put us on this planet
to commit suicide, he gave us all we need to survive and thrive, but sadly the
greedy amongst us have provided lots of tasty appealing treats. But those
treats cause problems in our body, so we are told about options that supposedly
help. They don’t help really; they just put a band-aid on the problem.

In the book “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” written by Dr. Weston A Price, he
found that as the volume of fats in the diet went down , the race degenerated,
he said that the people with the best overall health around the world had about 40% fat in their
diet. He monitored the cholesterol and triglyceride levels for almost twenty
years and found that there is no relationship between the amount of fats in the
diet and the serum level of fats.

Cholesterol makes up approximately 25% of the dry weight of the brain, and at least 23% of
the cell membrane of the red blood cells, without this they wouldn’t be able to
flex and contort and get through the tiny capillaries resulting in local
necrosis , in the brain this is known as a stroke.

I mentioned butter before as an essential ingredient to the diet, Dr. Huggins has
recommended as much as a quarter pound of butter daily. The reason for this is
that the intestinal tract is essentially a giant fat soluble membrane.

Nutrients appear to be absorbed better across a fat soluble membrane when they are in conjunction
with fats. Butter supplies this form of fat. Dr. Huggins noted that when
overweight people change from margarine to butter they tend to lose weight very
easily. The reason for this may be that the body is actually hungry for
nutrients, so as the nutrients are absorbed via the mechanism of fat, the
hunger desire is satisfied more easily. Another point to make here is that fats
are fats and oils are oils, they are similar but not the same.

A very interesting and valid point to also make in regards to margarine, when you
break down margarine into its cellular form you’ll find it is very similar to plastic…

If you place an open tub of margarine in your garden and next to it place an open
tub of butter, then leave them for a week You’ll find all of the butter has
gone but the margarine is still intact. Even insects know its bad and won’t
touch it.

When margarine was originally created it was as a fattening agent for turkeys, the
turkeys wouldn’t’ touch it. The creators had spent millions and millions in
development. When the turkeys ignored this costly fact the manufacturers had to
do something, so they added a coloring agent to make it look more like butter
and sold it for human consumption..

The HDL has a very influential role to play in protection against heart disease
amongst other things; HDL is from the cholesterol fraction of the blood the LDL
from the cholesterol and triglyceride fraction while the VLDL only from the
triglyceride fraction. LDL and VLDL combine in the liver with Bilirubin to
produce bile which is essential in metabolizing foods. When this isn’t done correctly,
food is not synthesized or absorbed correctly, resulting in gallstones in the
liver and gallbladder.

Andreas Moritz PhD explains how gallstones are formed in the liver and gallbladder in
his book listed below. I found it to be a very interesting book and was totally
amazed to discover the prevalence of liver and gallbladder problems in America
today. I had heard about people having an operation to have gallstones removed.
I really had no idea that most people have gallstones but aren’t aware of the problems
yet. Moritz talks about not just having a gall stone or ten or twenty gallstones
but how some people can have as many as 20,000 gallstones. Yes you read that
correctly, 20,000 gallstones.

He details in his book how gallstones are formed and more importantly goes into
great detail on how to remove them, without an operation.

How this can be done from home relatively
painlessly over a six-day period, this is a great book to read, I bought my
copy as an e-book from Barnes and Noble for $9.95.

Back to cholesterol, statistically there are far more problems with having low
cholesterol than high cholesterol, more people suffer from stroke when their
cholesterol is below 160 mg% and more people die of cancer when their
cholesterol is below 150 mg%.

Studies have shown other significant problems such as depression and leading to
suicide. There are many cases of vandalism and hooliganism, fighting and bad
behavior due to low cholesterol.

Two very well-respected medical professionals on this subject are Thomas E Levy,
MD, JD and Hal Huggins, MS, DDS, their work differs slightly in the correct
level but both show proof that it should be higher than your traditional doctor
is recommending in keeping your cholesterol below 175 mg%.

Huggins’grand mentor was Melvin Page DDS who suggests a level of 221 mg% while Levy
talks about 240-250 mg%.

When I met Dr. Huggins in 2007 I had a blood test for the Huggins recovery program
and was shocked to find my cholesterol was at 274 mg%. Doc suggested that I eat
more eggs and butter to remedy that problem.

You can imagine the shocked look on my face at hearing this; however I followed his
advice and ate 2 eggs and large amounts of butter each day. Two weeks later I
had another blood test and was very pleasantly surprised to see my cholesterol
was down to 238 mg%. Yes that happened in only two weeks, you have probably
heard from your doctor that when your cholesterol is high you’ll have to go on
a statin drug and probably be on that medication for life.

One of my first questions to Dr. Huggins was “how do you raise your cholesterol if
it’s too low, he replied with “eat two eggs per day and a quarter pound of
butter” I then asked “how do you lower it if it’s too high” when he told me the
same thing “eat two eggs and a quarter pound of butter” I was a little shocked
to say the least.

Your body will find the natural, healthy level for cholesterol.

There is a wealth of information on this subject if you care to read the following

Optimal Nutrition for Optimal
Health, Thomas E Levy, MD, JD

The Liver and Gallbladder
miracle cleanse, Andreas Moritz, PhD