Zapper, day 1….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Zapper Day1

The following text goes into detail of how a Zapper works and more specifically the Don Croft Terminator T-Rx which is what I’ve got.

Today, which is Thursday I started using it and was very aware of what it could do so decided to limit my first exposure to one hour. I’m not going to rave about how incredible I feel after an hour because that would be untrue but I did notice things happening in my body. I’m sure there will be negatives before I experience the positive, “Die off” or its medical term is a Herxheimer’s effect will no doubt happen and as I’m alone I have to take precautions.


All parasites and diseased tissues are positively charged. The zapper introduces negative ions through the skin and into the body’s living tissue, killing the parasites by reversing their polarity and also helping to heal the diseased tissue. Healthy tissue is negatively charged.

The zapper’s circuitry is built around a 555 timer integrated circuit which emits a nice, positive offset square wave of direct current from a nine-volt battery (stepped down to around 4.5volts and 3.5milliamps) at a frequency of about 20,000 times per second. “Positive offset” is a waveform that has alternating current characteristics. This may be important in the long run because it won’t alter the body’s natural electromagnetic field.

Parasites not only die when subjected to electricity, but disintegrate and are easily eliminated or assimilated as harmless nutrients. In fact, since they got most of the benefit from all the expensive supplements that you’ve been eating all these years, this could be your big nutritional payoff.

Viruses and fungi inside the cells, parasites in cysts, parasites with exoskeletons (like hookworms in the peripheral tissues), etc., will take longer to kill, but clearing the blood and lymphatic fluids, major organ ducts, intestinal and stomach lining, brain and central nervous system, of parasites early on will give your immune system a tremendous, immediate boost and when the hidden parasites come out of cysts and protected areas they are in for an unpleasant surprise.

This is only done to efficiently move the weak current through the skin, which is the body’s capacitor and protects our inside from random electrical charges, like static, which could otherwise harm us. Dr. Hulda Clarke states that you can get adequate results from simply holding an electrode from one battery terminal in one hand and tapping an electrode from the other battery terminal with the other for ten minutes, but that the zapper’s frequency is simply a more efficient way to get the current into the body.


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