You times three….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

You times three.

Huh!!!!!. How can that be? Well there are three of everyone, does that mean there’s really 22.5 billion people on earth, well no it doesn’t but what it does mean is that there are three versions of everyone and depending who you are determines which “You” you see. Sound strange? well it probably does but let me explain.

You number one is the you that’s known to your friends.

You number two is the you known to family.

You number three is the you that “You” personally know.

Now numbers one and two differ in that you’ll say and do different things when you are with either one of the two groups. It’s strange how your actions and reactions are completely different. Someone could ask a friend or family member about you and the responses would probably sound like they were talking about two completely different people.

Number three is in my opinion the most important version, you personally are the only one that truly knows who you are. Others can think you would or wouldn’t do certain things but it’s only you that Know who you are. Only “You” knows the pain, frustration and embarrassment that’s a part of your life, obviously this is everyone but I’m talking specifically about me. Think what you will but the “You” or “Me” in my case is amazing, and I am so proud of who I am.

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