Wow, what a difference….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Wow, what a difference.

On Tuesday I knew that it was going to be a bad day from about mid morning, I really struggled to do most things, it was difficult to just sit up straight, I kept leaning to one side, but as I said I refused to be sad or frustrated because I knew it was temporary and I’d feel great on Wednesday. So after a decent nights sleep, which for me that was five hours but as I said it was more than enough and I’m now ready for this great day. The difference between yesterday and today is like night and day, yesterday getting up and negotiating my way to the bathroom was scary but today it’s as if I’ve taken a huge step forward. Sounds good doesn’t it, well the above description is what I will be feeling tomorrow because I’m writing this at 7.30 pm Tuesday evening and I know it’s going to be great on Wednesday as I’ve described. That’s how confident I am about what I’m doing, as my body goes through changes as the fungus and yeast is prized off the various organs in readiness for expulsion, they try to cling onto other organs in a desperate to continue ruining my life, but guess what you parasites I’ve learned from a friend the correct procedure to get rid of you forever, so see ya, don’t want to be ya.

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