Working perfectly….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


No I’m not referring to my boiler although it is working properly again, really happy about that. No, I’m referring to the place you live in 24/7 and no matter what you do or where you go, you, that little voice talking in your mind lives, yes it’s the thing you put clothes on everyday, you.

In my case I’m referring to me, why doesn’t it work perfectly well ?, primarily it’s because I have a disease that’s considered to be incurable and there’s that inescapable fact that I’m not young anymore. Notice I said not young because I’ve been here for 61 years and still looking good, I really can’t imagine me referring to myself as old, nah, never.

This reference to me gives others an inkling into how I think of myself, some might say I’m narcissistic or vain, but I just value me and try not to abuse the physical thing my chatty voice lives in. Does that sound weird or strange to you? Over the years I’ve been very interested in health, not just from when I worked for Dr Huggins in Colorado although it’s definitely been accentuated since then, for most of my adult life, nutrition has been interesting to me. I never smoked or indulged in drugs, yes I did drink alcohol but vary rarely to excess.

The human body is essentially designed to be perfect, to function in a way that everything, the organs, the cells and enzymes do the job they were designed to do like a well oiled piece of German engineering.

Sadly, what happens is that the nutrition, (oil, fuel and lubricants) are not provided in the quality and quantities needed. So just like the top of the range Mercedes it rusts and clunks and breaks down, it has to go in for repairs and servicing or to see the doctor and hospital in our case.

At the end of the day the human body is a million times more complex than a car or motorbike or computer, so why oh why do we not treat it and look after it as well as a beautiful and really expensive car?

If from day one, we only put good quality nutrients in our body and not the synthetic genetically modified crap so many people live on, then we’d find that this thing wrapped around the chatty voice would still be in good condition, the hair wouldn’t have fallen out or lost its natural colour, the joints wouldn’t creak or ache so much and we wouldn’t have quite as much luggage to haul around. It all boils down to this, if we put crap in then sadly the the millions, no, billions and trillions of cells will not do the job they were designed to do and the body will Not be working perfectly.

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