Why the ABP…
Almost three years and two months ago I started meticulously following the Ann Boroch Protocol. For those that aren’t aware of what that is, its a 4 year plus dietary program designed to progressively eliminate the foodstuffs, the main offenders from our diet, not temporarily, permanently and with the aid of certain supplements we can gradually rejuvenate the internal workings of our body, when done properly to self heal the ravages done by multiple sclerosis. I say multiple sclerosis because that is the “supposedly incurable disease” that Ann Boroch had been suffering from, but in reality the protocol will provide the same results for people suffering from many other diseases.
The protocol is not some weird and wonderful quick fix, its not a miracle pill that “cures” any disease. Far from it, the protocol doesn’t “cure” anything, what it does do is enables your body, that amazingly complex organism that “you live in” to “Heal itself”…..there’s no “curing” involved….its just removing the roadblocks restricting your blood, your organs and enzymes from doing what they were designed to do.
Getting back to September 1st 2017, which will always be thought of by me to be the day my new life began. Admittedly September was a pig when looking back as thats the month, month one, that’s when the majority of the bad effects of food elimination kicked my ass…
It would have been easy to just stop what I was doing which on the surface made me feel so much worse. But because I’d read the book, “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch and because of the wonderful support from Janet, I was able to “stick with it”….
Month two and three were much easier, its just a case of reading, rereading the book and believing that the healing will happen.
As I said, its not a quick fix, ridding the body of the multiple “symptoms ” takes time, its not 4 years specifically, its however long it takes, it might be 4 1/2 or 5 years, its a “lifestyle change”.
So three years and two months in and I’m genuinely happy with the progress I’m making, a fall that was my own fault has created some problems and slowed my progress down a little, but I’m still healing my body.
The title of this post is a question….
“Why the ABP”….
The answer is….
Because it works…