
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Since I started this blog four years ago I’ve made more than 1500 entries, all of my posts are also put into Facebook, Digg, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest. In the four years there’s been almost two million hits, sadly this hasn’t generated an income for me,  but then again that’s not why I do this. I originally wanted to help other people by sharing information I’d learned from working for an incredible man. I’m sure most readers probably think I’m talking a load of crap but that’s fine because I know thousands have been grateful for the information especially about dentistry.

Anyway over the years the blog gradually became more of an outlet for me, to share my thoughts specifically about how I’m doing, some readers might be interested, actually I know there are. I want to make clear that I’m so proud of myself, I’m not sad or depressed in any way shape or form. I know and appreciate that lots of other people have serious problems, mentally or physically and I hope that they take inspiration from my words.  The doctors/neurologists, have all told me almost in a condescending way that I’m fooling myself by thinking I can beat this. They’ve looked me in the eye and said “you have multiple sclerosis and its an incurable disease” but as I’ve said a million times….. it might be incurable to other people but not me.

Why do I write and post most days? Because it helps me, I tell myself for 90% of the hours, minutes and seconds I’m awake that I will beat this, I will do what’s considered impossible, it’s a challenge, a dare…. go on then beat MS, I dare you..


If you’d like to help me as I am now disabled and operate this site on my own then please consider donating, you can do this by going to www.paypal.com then click on Send money.

You’ll be asked to enter the email of the person which is me and my email is [email protected]

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