Which one…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Being who we are is not a simple and basic thing…
Okay I know that sounds a little strange, I mean think about it, we..or you or me are actually two different people inside… we often portray ourselves to be something we’d like to be but not actually are…
We all talk to ourselves saying we do or don’t like or agree with something we hear or read or see, but to actually, physically object requires a lot more than thought, it requires mental strength and determination to literally do what others can’t or won’t for whatever reason.
Having a great job, earning lots of money and enjoying all the benefits that can bring is great, but it all pales into insignificance if you haven’t got your health, it’s only when it’s gone do you realise that.
I can honestly say that during my first 48 yrs of life I was a very lucky man, okay yes I’d worked hard, dam hard to get what I had, great job, big house, money in the bank, I was fit and healthy until one horrible day when like a bolt from the blue it all disappeared.
Initially I noticed weird symptoms and was later diagnosed with MS. Then my wife started having an affair, then divorce, then being taken to the cleaners financially.
Over the next thirteen plus years I tried 50 or 60 or 70 different things in my attempts to beat multiple sclerosis sadly all in vain, until I was lucky enough to be told about the Ann Boroch Protocol which is truly changing my life..
Now think about this, MS is a disease considered to be incurable by the world of medicine, but we know, not think but absolutely know that by following the ABP it’s beatable

It would be so easy to just say “oh woe is me”, to allow the.hideous unwanted disease to dominate, to take control and dictate what happens in your future..
Or you can adopt the stroppy teen attitude and stamp your foot down and be that determined and stubborn person that sticks to your guns and not succumb to temptation or others opinions.

I know I will kick its ass, I know I will beat the supposed unbeatable disease, the question I have is…
Which one are you…

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