
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

29 months in to this truly life changing protocol and I’m reasonably confident of my dietary understanding, I occasionally make mistakes, but hey… I’m only human not the superman a part of my male ego thinks. Over the last year I’ve found foods that are not just nutritious and compliant, but tasty as well, so I’m happy with my progression… mainly..
Occasionally, as happens to us all, I experience “issues” that appear to have no rhymn or reason and although I’m not taking a step backwards, I feel like I’m standing still and a little confused.
As I’ve said before, the human body is an extremely complex thing, the 37 trillion cells all with an aim and memory are easily contaminated but are not easy to repair especially when influenced by foods, water and many other things including emotions, which in reality can have a far greater impact on healing than the majority of people think. In my particular case, my emotions have been extremely mixed, I have to remember I left America where I’d lived in the beautiful state of Colorado for 11 years then moved again only a year after starting on the protocol. My wife back in 07 had been unfaithful then divorced me only 5 years after I’d moved from England, so there was a lot of negative emotions crammed into my brain.
But I’ve been very lucky of late in that I firstly accepted that what had happened in the past, was just that… the past, not now and it wasnt all my fault, yes obviously I was equally responsible for all that had happened, but there’s absolutely no point, no benefit in holding on to any negative emotions, so I forgave myself..
I can honestly say that there has been another change, this time for the better in my life, yes I’ve publicly stated how another feeling, a very special emotion has now taken over my life…. I fell in love, not just a crush or really liking someone, no this is completely different, this is unconditional love and I know Gaby has the same feelings for me.
So when I started on the ABP in September 2017 my goal was to heal myself and to live again. Now however not only have I accepted my situation and forgiven myself but I also have the benefit of knowing I’m not just doing this for myself, now the beauty of succeeding is so much more, so now other people’s views and opinions are theirs and they are entitled to them, but acceptance and love are mine and knowing that means in order to heal, I’m happy and will do….
Whatever it takes

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