What you believe…..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

What you believe…..
The process of following a protocol that you’ve been lead to believe will heal your body of an illness, a disease or whatever, is something that must be, not just followed nearly or closely, it must be adhered to, strictly…
Most people will simply go to who they believe are the experts in these matters, doctors, hospitals that have specialists and neurologists etc. When this happens, again most people will do what they’re told and expect the health problem to be cured…
However in the case of what’s been labelled an incurable disease the patient and loved one’s are told that they shouldn’t have high expectations but the so called experts will do their best, in other words there’s not much chance of success.
When I was told in a matter of fact way by the senior neurologist at the hospital in Denver that I had multiple sclerosis and that I’d be on a very slippery downward slope and to expect a rapidly declining quality of life, I didn’t agree with the neurologist, in fact I told him I wouldn’t take the recommended drugs.
As I’ve said before, he got really mad with me, called me stupid and irresponsible. His prognosis of in a wheelchair permanently within six months looks a bit stupid now considering its 15 years later and I’ve never taken any pharmaceutical drug and I’m certainly not in a wheelchair. Since starting the Ann Boroch Protocol 16 months ago I’m stronger physically and mentally than I was and feel absolutely confident that the progress I’m making is moving me closer and closer to achieving my goal of being completely healed.
I want to emphasize that my views and attitude is just that….. my opinion and has no scientific proof, I’m not in a situation where I’ve been able to have blood tests and to analyse and interpret them. But what I have been able to do is use myself as a guinea pig, by initially following the work of Dr Hal Huggins. This enabled me to be drug free, I never took any medication and never have. Then 16 months ago I started strictly following the ABP after reading her books, “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” and “The Candida Cure”. Both books absolutely filled me with confidence and absolute belief that I would also heal my diseased body.
Having the right mindset, being positive and confident is so important… So much so that in my opinion….. What you believe… You make true…

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