What makes you…
In 2004 I had been living in Colorado for two years, I’d moved there after I’d fallen in love with a woman I believed was going to be my “life” partner, we’d got married and everything appeared on the face of it to be good. We both had great jobs, she a Graphic Designer and me heading a newly formed Fire Systems Group with ADT.. We were making great money, had a beautiful big house, great cars and as far as I was concerned we were living the dream.
After one or two difficult times at my thrice weekly visits to the gym, I went to my local doctor only to be sent to hospital for tests, I still had no idea of the urgency the doctor showed but after three days of testing the neurologist gave me the horrible news that I had what he perceived to be an incurable disease, multiple sclerosis.
The reactions from him after I refused medication really shocked me as I’ve written numerous times before…. okay, leap forward 15 years and in my view, my actions have been completely justified… still no drugs, not in a wheelchair and definitely in a better stae of mind than I was back then.
The past 17 and a half months sticking strictly to the ABP haven’t been easy, well I should clarify that, the first seven or eight months weren’t easy but it has since then. The first three were bloody hard as the bad days outnumbered the good but after that that ratio was reversed and now having a bad day is very rare… there are occasional difficult hours, but that’s it.
In my opinion the Ann Boroch Protocol is the main reason for my improvements, they have been helped, no doubt by having a positive attitude and truly believing…
January saw me starting the mega dosing with Lipospheric Vit C and that is accentuating the positive improvements coming from my life regimen… the ABP…
Knowing what I know now is very different to what I hoped in September 2017.. then the thought of slight improvements were just a dream, now the many small improvements are my everyday life, now I know without a shadow of doubt that living a healthy disease free life is going to be a reality… still a couple of years away, but when looking at the big picture, that’s nothing…
Having the right attitude, believing, following the protocol will, in time restore your health, can everyone do it? Probably not, can you do it?….yes!!! And that my friend is what makes you….