What I want..
Since I started my blog four and a half years ago there have been more than two million hits, now I’ll be realistic and guess at least half were just other bloggers using my site to get more artificial hits to their own but whatever….. Anyway originally I started to share information about health in general and more specifically about dentistry and the potential health risks. Over the past two years or more I’ve used the site as a way to motivate and inspire myself. When something bad happens to me, a fall or serious limitations through something I’ve eaten it would be so easy to get depressed and despondent and give up trying. When I write it serves as a way to kick myself in the ass and pull my socks up and carry on. It’s never easy to do especially when I’ve fallen out of bed, I’m freezing cold and have bloodied my knees from trying to get up.
But what I don’t want is anyone to feel sorry for me or worry about me because I’m freaking amazing, I really am, what I’ve done when 99.9% of others would have given up is nothing short of incredible. I know 100% that not only will I get better but I will also become very wealthy, it’s not my job to know how it will happen, just to know it will. What I’ve said is what I don’t want, but more importantly what I do want is for all you reading this to be so jealous.