Now the following post is my opinion, but its an educated opinion of a scientifically proven fact….
That fact is that lipospheric vit C will kill all known virus…. I’ll say that again…all known virus including corona virus, Covid 19…
On Sunday last week I noticed a slight problem, more of an irritating problem than something to worry about, a bit of a cough and runny nose which I thought was no more than the basis of a cold so I upped my daily dose of “Lipolife”, the liposomal vit c from 1 x 5ml to 4 x 5ml…
On Monday morning I was feeling a little worse and I now had a strange chesty cough and I felt much weaker, the chesty cough was generating horrible flegm that was really hampering my breathing. definitely prompted me to double the dose over the next 24 hours.
I didnt panic but my thoughts started to wonder if I could have somehow caught that freaking corona virus, the only people I come into contact with are my carers, did I mention that I have multiple sclerosis? Well I have had it for almost seventeen years but have never taken any pharmaceutical medication for it, but thats another story.
Thinking about covid 19 thats killed hundreds of thousands of people in the past 8 or 9 months and my particular situation, I am a prime candidate…male over 65 yr old, and overweight.
I wasn’t scared or overly worried because I absolutely believe the information provided by Dr Thomas E Levy M.D J.D who helped develop the liposomal vit c..
A liposome is a nano sized particle almost exactly like a human cell, hundreds of thousands of them completely encapsulate the vitamin. So it passes safely through saliva, the esophagus, the stomach, the intestines until it is broken down in the small intestine and absorbed by the body.
Liposomal vit c is 8.25 times more effective than orally taken or intravenous vit c.
So between Monday 2nd November and Sunday 8th I’ve taken more than 100 x 5ml doses of liposomal vit C..
I personally use “Lipolife Gold” which is made in the UK and does not have any connections with China.
Going back to Thursday and Friday evening which was the worst time for me, my head was terribly stuffy, nose running, the back of my neck was aching like hell. The chesty cough was unlike anything I’ve ever felt before, my whole body spasmed, it felt like the cough was echoing inside of a cavernous chamber inside me. I was terribly weak, much more so than the problems created through MS, the worst part was the flegm that for no apparent reason, no warning it would suddenly block my airways which resulted in ten or fifteen seconds of no breathing, just a completely blocked throat, I can honestly say that during that short time which felt like eternity, I honestly felt I was over, done, bye bye life..
Anyway I did the NHS test on Saturday and the results show that I didn’t have corona virus at the time of testing, the wording in the results didn’t say that I “don’t” have coronavirus….it says I “didn’t” have it when the test was done. Again I’m stating the the lipospheric vitamin c kills all known virus and I took copious amounts after my symptoms started.
I’m 95% back to normal, obviously my normal isn’t the same as normal for an able bodied person.
Having multiple sclerosis means I have a severely compromised immune system, but I’m good, I’m not concerned, or suffering anymore.
I just wish that the governments of the world would wake up and start administering lipospheric vit C instead of wasting time, money and most importantly human life looking for a vaccine.
I honestly believe that I had coronavirus and as the results clearly state, I didn’t have it at the time of testing which was 5 days after I started taking megadoses of lipospheric vit C..
So going back to the title of this post…
“What does it take?….
Three bottles of Lipospheric vitamin C…