Walk the walk..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The frustrating part of being me is that deep down I am Stefan the guy who’s been to more than 20 countries around the world, done sport’s that most others will say is on their bucket list but in reality will never do. I was the Client service director for the world leading authority on biological dentistry and mercury toxicity…..but, but 99% of the time my body doesn’t give a crap about been there done that…

Instead it reacts to a so called incurable life threatening disease by overpowering my mind and limiting my physical abilities. However being the son of an amazing German born woman that came through the war, 7 kids and 3 husbands ir sort of makes me a tad arrogant when it comes to what I’m supposed to be. I see myself as a man that will one day skydive again, will run again and will hike again in the beautiful Rocky Mountains.


So yes it is a little frustrating in some ways being physically restricted….temporarily. I know I sometimes ignore my own advice, advice I’ve shared with thousands of others, people that respected who and what I was and knew. People, not just patients and clients but medical professionals as well.


So I’ll persevere down this road and stop being defensive and frustrated and just get on with the task of getting better.


The ignoring of my knowledge is ridiculous but understandable in some ways. Prior to coming back to England, although it was very limiting financially and worrying for the same reason. I maintained the limiting of bad foods even though I wasn’t able to have “treats” such as nicer gluten free foods.

Since I’ve been back and with my disability benefits I’ve been able to buy food, not just gluten free staples but also some that I should really avoid.


That all changes today as I have to “walk, not just talk the talk”, I’m back on to one day a week to fast for 24hrs as per Patricia Bragg who I was blessed to know several years ago.

My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99

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