Visible change…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Visible change..
I can only function in life in a positive way, I think anyone that actually knows me and the thousands that read my blog will have to agree that I have a positive demeanour, since contracting this hideous disease and being told by many so called medical experts that it was incurable, I adopted the defiant, stubborn little kid attitude of, “I don’t give a crap what you say”….
The first four years I blindly stood my ground and applied common sense choices to what food and drink I consumed, I was able to continue to work full time and keep the majority of symptoms at bay. In 2007 I started working for Dr Hal Huggins, who also had MS and had a full life until his passing at 79 yrs old. I learnt so much about health in general, dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing which enabled me to not only improve my own life but also to help thousands of others and that’s not an exaggeration.
Thirteen months ago after reading what I truly believe to be the most important book in my life, “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” by Ann Boroch, I started on her protocol.. The ABP gave me genuine inspiration and hope that I was going to once again live my life instead of simply existing.
The first two months were damn hard, the protocol is not for the weak willed or those not really wanting to get better. The next four or five months were filled with far more good days than bad, from then on bad days were very few and far between, it became quite a shock to actually feel bad, that was until I moved house.
One year after starting the ABP I moved into a 350 yr old converted from, I think the first 5 weeks I was very sad inside…. I tried to not let it show in my attitude to others but my heart was crying.
About 10 days ago things stated to change, the council disability people agreed to help, with additional hand rails, DFS have changed my sofas which make a massive difference in being able to move around. I’ve also made a couple of adjustments to my supplements, I’ll talk about them in a couple of weeks when I know for sure it has been them that’s helped.
I’ve mentioned that I’ve been spending about 20 hours each day in my bed, well today.. Sunday.. I was able to get up and go back into the living room for an hour, get something from the kitchen and have a cup of tea, it might not seem like a big thing, but for me it was a massive visible change…
That in itself has reaffirmed I’m moving forward…

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