Up, down but standing still.
Having multiple sclerosis is a difficult thing to deal with, according to the millions of doctors, the thousands of neurologists around the world and the trillion dollar industry collectively known as big pharma, this disease is incurable, I have say that it’s their view, not mine.
So regardless of being little old me (emphasis on old), I believe 100% that I will beat this hideous disease. Admittedly it’s going to be a major challenge that’s going to have lots of downs but in reality far more good days culminating in a beautiful day that I and everyone including the sceptics, naysayers, defeatist’s and pariahs aka big pharma will acknowledge I’m healed..
You may have noticed I don’t say the word cured, and that’s simply because myself and others following the ABP don’t accept how multiple sclerosis is described and categorised…. the disease is in fact a combination of symptoms created by foods and substances that have entoered the body. This has resulted in multiple organs, hundreds of thousands of enzymes and trillions of cells having an inability to function as they should. So we have nothing to cure, but we do have our body to heal.
My point….. the world of medicine say I’m not going to win, I say, You can bet your sweet bippy I am, regardless of what you say, I will not be beaten… Fact….
It’s hard and it would be so easy to give up, but no matter what, no matter that it feels like I’m on a downward escalator trying to walk up, yes it sometimes feels that I’m walking up but going down, for a period, a limited one I’m standing still. This is a 48 month plan that I’m only 15 months into..