There are days in my life that I honestly have serious thoughts about who I really am, weird..I mean here I am with a condition considered by others to be incurable, living on disability benefits spending half of each day in my bed. Knowing all this I still maintain that all the bad stuff will go away, that one day soon I will be living an amazing life. When this will happen I don’t know, how it will happen I don’t know but I do know it will happen. I look at myself and physically see a body in pain in difficulty and struggling, but I also see a body being challenged by some really shitty stuff but getting through it. Yes this is all happening but deep down in my heart I truly believe in me. Why? Because I am special, I’m different from everyone else that I know.
I’m writing this and actually laughing, I’m smiling at myself because I see things other people don’t……whoa, The Sixth Sense.
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