Three things. .
Since originally reading “The book”, then rereading and actually starting on the ABP last September, I can honestly say there have been numerous improvements. In fact over the months I’ve been very pleasantly surprised as those improvements have gradually merged together and have materialized as “The norm”… it doesn’t shock me each morning to feel good, and believe me, that’s a great feeling.
The strange thing is that although I feel great for the majority of the day, there seems to be a huge transformation everyday at 12.15 or close to that, then again about 5.30, I know I’ve been moving about a lot getting up and going to the bathroom or into the kitchen, but it doesn’t seem right to experience such dramatic changes. Yesterday at 12 ish.. I got up to go to the bathroom and found it ridiculously difficult to move my legs, so much so that a 10ft move totally exhausted me and took several minutes to complete.
I’ve been thinking a lot about what’s causing it… I must be doing or eating something that’s causing my body to react so differently, the change is as radically different as night and day, it frustrates the hell out of me… I’ve said before that I thought three specific things were affecting me and that I’d address them and see how things changed. I thought I had done, but obviously not because it’s still happening. One of the things it could be is that I’ve been having fruit at lunchtime, either an orange or a portion of pineapple, the percentage of fructose isn’t massive but… but it’s still fructose, regardless of the amount being 4 or 5 grams, it’s sugar and my body seems to be a little more negatively affected than most others, so as of today, Thursday the 16th, no more fruit for a while at least.
As I said, I believe there are three things, fruit being one, I’ll make adjustments one at a time a few weeks apart to see if I can identify the specific culprit….