Up’s and downs..
I’m following a fairly struck, no, very struck dietary program, in reality it’s not too difficult for me as an awful lot of the restrictions I’d already eliminated for my diet, I’m gluten intolerant, lactose intolerant and I try my hardest to avoid the worst of the worst, the white poison masquerading as something good….. sugar.. I’d found a fantastic once a day treat, sugar free chocolate that is freaking delicious but it’s sweetened with maltitol another no, no for me so I’ve not had it for 3 weeks. I take a herbal Candida Cleanse three times daily, digestive enzymes and adrenal support along with the Mighty 90 from Youngevity which in my humble opinion are the best supplements available anywhere.(see www.Youngevity.com). Also for about 2 weeks I’ve been using the Don Croft Terminator T-Rx Zapper, I started slowly but now I use it for about 12 hours per day. Everybody has parasites and pathogens to some degree in their body, they are all positively charged, basically the Zapper floods the body with good negative ions that destroy parasites.
So I believe what I’m doing on good advice and direction from Janet O and Don Croft will force me down a path of healing, however it doesn’t happen overnight although it would be fantastic if it did. No, the process is a long arduous journey with good days and bad. I know there will be up’s and downs, they can be difficult and painful, as in my falls last week, but I know it’s happening and it just requires a high level of mental strength which I have.