There’s always a but !!!

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

There’s always a but!!! Something that has always amazed and shocked me since I started working at Huggins Applied Healing is how we all just take it for granted that the medical professional we are seeing at that specific time knows what he or she is doing. I mean they are a qualified medical professional and we have sought their help. They may be a doctor, dentist or even a surgeon. But what do they really know about the drug/medication they are prescribing and recommending we should take!!

The problem of death by drugs/medication is more prevalent in the US than here in the UK but it still is a problem and one that is increasing.

All I suggest is to ask a question and not simply accept that the drug being prescribed is safe, before I was made aware of this problem I just did what most people do and thank the doctor and believe the drug would solve my health issue.

Something like 100,000 deaths happen each year in America because the patient took a prescribed medication, not an overdose or the wrong drug but the correct dosage of the prescribed meds.

The question to ask is “what are the known side effects of the medication being prescribed”, the doctor should know… What you should know is that the pharmaceutical company have a list of every potential side effect their drug has, it’s been trialed on at least 1,000 people. They will have documented every side effect that occurred, from mild nausea  to vomiting to liver failure and even death. It might show that of the 1,000+ people 35% had no side effects but 65% did. In a lot of cases the patient is very much a guinea pig, you’ll hear that “no one has had that problem before” or that’s what the doctor tells you, he/she is not lying it’s just they haven’t been told by the pharmaceutical company.

Every drug has side effects, every drug….99.9% of drugs treat symptoms not the cause of the health problem, so yes the drug/medication will address “A symptom” of the illness but it probably will cause a different and additional problem.

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