The straw..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The Straw.

I think my earlier post basically covered my feelings regarding the additions I’ve made to my daily intake of what I feel are absolute essentials. This morning I had another bath which involves a 40 minute soak, the water includes magnesium chloride and Himalayan Crystal salts. It probably seems a little strange to some of you, as does my nutritional regimen.

Getting out of the bath has always been difficult to the M.S. me, but that wasn’t the case this morning, in fact this morning was the easiest ever. It was as if there was nothing wrong with me at all, I positively sprung up and sat on the end of the bath and the biggest smile appeared on my face, I actually started laughing, I couldn’t believe it.

The following improvements and ease over the next 30 minutes getting dried and transitioning to the bedroom was quite amazing.

I can only put this down to the changes over the past week, the supergreen drink is the obvious choice in isolating the individual. In everything we do in life there are actions involved, there are specific steps to take.

You could ask ten people to make a cake, everyone would look and taste different because of the ingredients, how they were sourced, the quantity, how they were combined, the temperature and for how long in the oven etc. And this is only to make a cake!!!!, why am I going on about this, well I just wanted to emphasise that the super green drink is not the same as every other so called super green drink. No, this is special in the points I made for the cake, the sourcing of the ingredients and how they’ve been combined etc separates them from the others.

The “Green powder” is produced by a company called “Hion Ltd”, and I can honestly say that for me at least this is what I think is making the difference, there are lots of things I do and take when it comes to my goal of restoring my health. Supplements, procedures, meditation and prayer but the addition of this very special and particular drink seems to be the catalyst, for me this is the straw that broke the camel’s back..

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