The Healing Journey…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The Healing Journey.

It’s Thursday afternoon and I feel an overwhelming desire to write about my current situation, I know these posts are read mostly by healthy people but for others like me with this hideous disease, multiple sclerosis I wanted to hopefully inspire them. As I’ve said before I was initially diagnosed in February 04, three years later I met and started working for Dr Hal Huggins who himself had MS. He’d been able to keep 99% of his symptoms at bay using a unique line of supplements he had created. So my years with him (4) helped educate me in the right nutrition and supplements, sadly by November 2012 what I was doing was not enough to enable me to keep working so I left Colorado and returned to England. Obviously I continued with what I thought was best for me nutritionally and with my supplements. Gluten and dairy were eliminated and refined sugar was restricted to 8g to 10g per day. In August I met Janet Orchard  through Facebook and although I felt optimistic there were still small doubts that the Ann Boroch method would truly work for me. Since officially starting on September 1st I’ve tried as best I could to follow the program but it still felt as though something was wrong, Janet asked to see exactly what I was taking, a line of supplements from a company called Youngevity, in my mind the supplements are the best but Janet pointed out the fructose content of one particular drink. Since that’s been eliminated only two weeks ago, the improvements have been significant, no I can’t walk unaided, no I’m not cured but the changes in how I feel both mentally in this arrogant noggin of mine and physically are so nice. For anyone new or old to this, stop thinking you know best or you just couldn’t live without your morning coffee and just have faith, the program works, if it’s not it’s probably because you  aren’t doing it properly.

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