The food we eat is so important..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

As we all know food is so important in our lives, I believe in the adage “you are what you eat” so making the transition from “fast food” to healthy natural food will pay dividends in the long run.

Life in the western world has changed over the past 30 or 40 years, it was normal for a family to sit down together to eat a meal. Now however it’s normal for families to grab a bite to eat on the run, to jump into the car and stop at the Mc D’s on the way to wherever you are going.

People are always hungry, ever wonder why, it has a lot to do with the nutritionally bereft food you are throwing down your throat. Your body is crying out for nutrition not just bulk, something that fills your stomach then passes through without providing your body, your temple with what it needs to function correctly.

Ignore the so-called experts who are on the payroll of the billion dollar giants when they encourage you to eat their so-called healthy foods, look at the labels….if you are buying a basic food that has 20 added things to it then don’t eat it. When they say “enriched” it means that the goodness that was in it was removed in the processing then they have added more crap to bring it up to a slightly higher level than cardboard.

I can’t emphasize this strongly enough, Sugar is the main problem, when it says on the label that it is healthy because there is no fat or its fat-free. You are meant to think it’s healthy, well no it’s not, your body needs fat, the right kind of fat obviously, but they pile in the sugar to make it tastier.

Just stop and think, how many people to you know that are sick and often sicker now than they were five or ten years ago. We live in the most powerful nation in the world, you’d think this would be at the top or near the top of the healthy league. Well if you look at the World Health Organization’s list of the country’s around the world, the US is in the bottom half of the 175 country’s listed.

There is something wrong with this, this should be a healthy country not one that is driven by the media, sickness insurance and the pharmaceutical giants.

That isn’t a typo, it’s sickness insurance not health insurance.

Think about what is happening..

You may also be interested in my ebook, Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health, is only $2.99 and you can buy it here and be reading in two minutes.

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