The preservative-free lie is being perpetuated for concerned parents and health enthusiasts, so you will still go to the school, clinic, pharmacy, grocery store, or whatever other “jab shop” that administers flu shots, and get injected with toxins, even though they may have “left out” one or two of the toxins you heard or read bad things about. Maybe preservative-free means you still get the toxic preservatives, but its only trace amounts that are being injecting into your blood. Let’s take the food toxin metaphor, as an example of what is going on in the “preservative-free” vaccine world. (
Consider this: would you eat a meal if you knew it contained 10 toxins, but the cook said they left out the one you are allergic to? Is that enough for you to opt out of your “opt out” and go ahead and eat some cancer causing, neurological impairing toxic meal? People who are allergic to peanuts, soy, fish, and other common foods can have a deathly allergic reaction to even the smallest amounts of these ingredients, and that’s just when it touches their skin or they eat a “trace” amount, so then we delve into injecting toxins in trace amounts. People who are allergic to penicillin cannot have even a trace amount of it, or they could die. So where’s the logic? There is none. It’s just bad business as usual for Big Pharma. (
Injecting “trace amounts” of toxins
How different is it if you eat a lot of mercury, or you inject just a little? This is the argument which comes from most vaccine enthusiasts; “if it’s just a trace amount, it doesn’t matter.” The same advice would come from the FDA, except for the fact that they consider trace amounts non-existent and they still label trace amounts of mercury as thimerosal-free. So let’s do the math now. Let’s add up all the heavy metals in the routine “consumption” process most go through, including flu shots, vaccines, boosters, food, water, lotions, cosmetics, deodorants and so on, and you have a major problem.
Injecting mercury, aluminum, monosodium glutamate and formaldehyde sends a massive shock wave through your system, and jolts your central nervous system. Your immune system basically “freaks out” as the toxic injection completely bypasses the digestive system all together. Add in the fact that most shots are combination shots and given in close succession, especially to children and infants, and the problems are compounded exponentially. (
The big cover up
Make no mistakes here, thimerosal is the preservative of choice for vaccine manufacturers. This practice dates back to the 1920s. Thimerosal contains nearly 50 percent mercury by weight. Mercury, or more precisely, ethylmercury, is used to kill the contaminants that can damage the vaccine; unfortunately, it kills a whole lot more when it gets in your blood and brain. (
Flu vaccines contain mercury! This is the big preservative-free lie, and it is documented. The following is from court house news (Courthouse News Service is a nationwide news service for lawyers and the news media):
Friday, March 23, 2012: “The Food and Drug Administration is not liable for approving a mercury-based vaccine preservative because more expensive, mercury-free vaccines are available upon request, a federal judge ruled. Thimerosal is a mercury-based compound that is FDA-approved as a vaccine preservative. Organizations such as the Coalition for Mercury-Free Drugs; however, have expressed concern about the preservative. As a precautionary measure, most vaccines administered to children or pregnant women do not include thimersosal, but the flu vaccine is a significant exception. Thimerosal-preserved flu vaccines are necessary to ensure sufficient supply at a reasonable price,” according to the judgment.” (
An inside look at the main ingredients of “multi-jabs” (combo vaccines)
One major problem with the multi-jabs, even preservative-free ones, is that several vaccines at once enables the chance of the tiny amounts of viruses introduced by these vaccines and their genetic material to meet and “mingle.” You see, then the recombination of such strains are super viruses, and can rise up later and attack the system. Still only worried about the preservatives?
Measles and Mumps Live Virus Vaccine: (M-M-Rvax) Made by Merck. Injected into one-year-old babies and contains gelatin, sorbitol, sodium chloride, bovine cow serum, and human albumin.
Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio Vaccine: Five injections given between two and six years of age, plus boosters “recommended” every 10 years. This monster jab contains formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol and aluminum phosphate.
DTaP, IPV, HBV and Hib: (Diphtheria, tetanus, polio, hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenza type B) Given to infants from two to 12 months old with boosters less than a year later. This beast of a shot contains aluminum hydroxide, formaldehyde, and bovine cow serum.
Attention all humans, are you allergic to injecting any of the following ingredients directly into your blood?
Okay, so you request the “preservative-free” flu shot or vaccine and you think you’re better off than everyone else? Think again. What do all of the following “ingredients” do and why are they in the vaccines?
Bovine cow serum: Extracted from cow skin. When injected causes connective tissue disorders, arthritis and lupus; also shortness of breath, low blood pressure, chest pain and skin reactions.
Sorbitol: Synthetic sweetener which metabolizes very slowly and aggravates IBS and gastrointestinal issues.
Gelatin: Derived from the collagen inside animals’ skin and bones. Injecting gelatin poses the risk of infection from synthetic growth hormones and BSE infectivity (mad cow disease).
Sodium chloride: Raises blood pressure and inhibits muscle contraction and growth.
Egg protein: Vaccines are prepared in eggs (certainly not organic). May contain growth hormones, antibiotics, and salmonella bacteria.
Thimerosal: A neurotoxic mercury which causes autism: There are 25 mcg in one average flu vaccine, and the EPA safety limit is five micrograms, so children who are vaccinated simultaneously with multiple* vaccines receive over 10 times the safety limit of mercury in one day.
Human albumin: The protein portion of blood from pooled human venous plasma; when injected causes fever, chills, hives, rash, headache, nausea, breathing difficulty, and rapid heart rate. Injecting “pooled blood” can result in a loss of body cell mass and cause immunodeficiency virus infection, or contain SV40, AIDS, cancer or Hepatitis B from drug addicts.
Formaldehyde: Highly carcinogenic fluid used to embalm corpses. Ranked one of the most hazardous compounds to human health; can cause liver damage, gastrointestinal issues, reproductive deformation, respiratory distress and cancer. Plus, formaldehyde has been known to fail to deactivate the virus the vaccine is intended to cure, thus enabling a live virus to enter your blood and infect your system.
Phenoxyethanol: A glycol ether/chemical; highly toxic to the nervous system, kidneys, and liver. The FDA warns “can cause shut down of the central nervous system (CNS), vomiting and contact dermatitis” in cosmetics; imagine when injected into your blood.
Aluminum phosphate: Greatly increases toxicity of mercury, so caution about minimum mercury tolerance is therefore severely underestimated. CDC scientists and all doctors are well aware of this.
MSG (monosodium glutamate): When injected becomes a neurotoxin, causing CNS disorders and brain damage in children. (
“Preservative-free” still gives you a 150 percent dose of FDA/EPA maximum
According to the CDC, vaccines labeled “thimerosal-free” often have a little asterisk to warn you: “This vaccine has ‘trace’ amounts of thimerosal, which the FDA says is equivalent to thimerosal-free products.” There are basically two kinds of flu shots given: one contains 25 mcg of mercury and is often given as the “regular” flu shot to those with no special circumstances, and the other is labeled “thimerasol-free” (containing fewer than 3mcg of mercury) and is given to young children and pregnant women.
Take a look at “safe” and “un-safe” levels of mercury, per the FDA/EPA:
Two part per billion is the maximum amount of mercury that deems water “safe” for drinking. Anything over 200 ppb mercury is considered TOXIC. But guess what?
There is up to 300 ppb mercury in the “thimerosal-free” flu vaccine. There is 25,000 ppb mercury given in the regular flu shot. (
The Department of Defense classifies mercury as a hazardous material that could cause death if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Studies indicate that mercury tends to accumulate in the brains of primates and other animals after they are injected with vaccines. Mercury poisoning has been linked to cardiovascular disease, autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia and many other nervous system conditions.
Want to protect your immune system? Leave out all the toxins. That’s step number one. Especially leave out GMO, mercury, MSG and Aspartame. Step two? Look into Colloidal silver, Superfoods, mushroom powders, licorice root, garlic supplements, oil of oregano, cinnamon and much more. (
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