The best…
In one week I’ll have completed three years on the Ann Boroch Protocol, its been difficult at times especially when I’ve succumbed to the dreaded taste buds nagging away at me to just have a little bit of something that could possibly be okay. Admittedly I should have known better, I should have read the label.. properly and not fooled myself into believing it wouldn’t create a significant problem…
Duh!!!! Hello!!!!
But in the main I feel happy about what I’ve been doing for 1,088 days so far.
I do a lot of research into specific symptoms that appear to be bothering me more so than I think normally should be clinging on as the protocol is eliminating others.
The weakness that seems to become worse around midday regardless if whether I’ve eaten or not. I would say that that my overall strength can drop by 50% for a few hours and be restored without any rhyme or reason.
The second and more worrying thing for me is how dramatically I’m affected by heat and humidity.. not even excessive heat like the 30c plus days like we’ve had recently, but mid 20’s and high humidity seem to suck the life out of me to the extent that I really need physical assistance. But as I said, when that happens its only for very short periods of time.
Apart from the two instances I truly believe that the cumulative symptoms described as multiple sclerosis are becoming fewer and less frequent in me.
I think from an outside observers point of view, seeing me in bed since the week before lockdown they would assume differently. But it was a fall that was partially my own fault thats resulted in the ligament, tendon and cartilage damage thats keeping me here.
The exercise I can do is rather limited, but there is improvement slowly but surely so I’m optimistic about resuming my progress prior to my fall.
The title of this post is referring to the choice I made to attempt to emulate the results of the young woman that ignored the worlds medical experts and pain stakingly formulated what we know as the Ann Boroch Protocol (ABP) …
I truly believe that making that choice is saving my life and in my mind is the best decision I’ve ever made..