The air we breathe…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The air we breathe.

I talked about oxygen yesterday and how the fact of its extremely essential role in keeping us alive and kicking is taken for granted, between 12 and 16 times every minute all humans take a breath. The air we breath isn’t just oxygen, it’s 79% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. Staying alive is a very complicated process. A very complex series of events take place when we draw air into our lungs, separating the oxygen from nitrogen, getting it into the blood to be delivered to all of the organs. The so called medical experts can’t tell you why exactly the myelin sheath surrounding the nerves in the brain are broken down, they describe it as your immune system attacking itself, hence their description of an autoimmune disease. It’s been proven that this scenario is wrong although they refuse to acknowledge the great men and women that have done this because it goes against their policy of keeping people sick and milking the cash cow of disease. Mercury is the most toxic non radioactive substance on earth, it was placed into hundreds of millions of teeth in the form of amalgam fillings, what you were led to believe was silver. The mercury is released through chewing and enters the bloodstream. I’m getting to my point….. red blood cells have 4 chambers that are meant to transport oxygen (oxyhaemoglobin) sadly mercury takes its place, then is transported throughout the body until it takes up residence in the brain in some people…… me.

Being able to remove mercury and replace it with healthy oxygen isn’t impossible but it is extremely difficult, I mentioned a product called Nutrio2  that after extensive testing has now been released, as soon as mine arrives I’ll be trying it, hmmm interesting.

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