The ABP+….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

The ABP +.

Since starting this incredible protocol last September I’ve regularly written about far more positives than negatives, yes during the first two or three months there were bad days, but they gradually became less of a bad day and more of a bad few hours. The 4th, 5th and 6th month’s became far better in that I didn’t have bad days or bad hour long spells, it was mainly good but with occasional periods of not quite so good.

After listening and reading numerous comments about CBD oil, Cannabis oil I decided to once again see if this oil could make a difference, about a year or so ago I’d tried having a single drop each morning . I think that I, like most “uninformed” people had simply been thinking it was “wacky Baccy” and having it would make me less in control so I just wanted to avoid it.

A few weeks ago I’d done a little research and ordered some from eBay, I started taking 2 drops three times per day, nothing special to report, then one of my MS friends on FB  talked about her having 5 drops first thing in the morning then last thing at night so about a week ago I changed to that dose….. difference….. a significant one as well. At first I noticed that I was not going to the loo quite as often, slight change which was good but I also started feeling a little more stable and I had better balance when moving around. The biggest change has been that I’m sleeping better, for years I’ve managed four or five hours per night but the past few nights I’ve slept six or seven hours, that in itself has got to be better for my compromised mind and body.

In my mind there’s no doubt that the ABP is the way to go, for a seriously diseased body of 14 years to start making changes that are becoming consistent when the world’s medical community says it’s not going to happen is absolutely fantastic, amazing and life changing, but I’m seriously thinking that the CBD oil is adding just that little bit more and I’m excited to continue on this slightly adjusted journey.

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