Than it !!!
When I was diagnosed with “it” eighteen years ago, my initial response to the neurologist was that, yes its bad but I wouldn’t take the prescribed drugs and I’d just deal with it in a natural way.
Anyway after thirty minutes of arguement with him, who insisted he knew best… I left…drug free… but on my drive home from “The Rose” hospital in Denver Colorado I started to have doubts and concerns about how on earth I was going to achieve what I’d so resolutely told the neurologist.
I was married to a woman from Colorado at that time who’s reaction to my news and discussions was not exactly what I’d hoped for.
She was obviously very sad but also very mad that I wouldn’t take the “medication”…. I spent a lot of time justifying my actions and explaining that drugs treat symptoms, while the actual cause of the problem is just getting worse.
I had argument after argument with my wife and work colleagues over the following weeks and months but even though I didn’t know what I know now, I was determined to find a way.
I continued working full time in a very stressful job for 7 years, often 50 or 55 hours each week, I actually worked nearly 4 years without having a single holiday.
After at least 50 attempts of trying various things, I learned about and started on the ABP which I’m 100% confident will enable me to genuinely “live” again.
I’m proud of my achievements in life, I’m glad that I have the determination, patience and focus to do this.
I’m not going to harp on about where I’ve been and all I’ve done because that was a lifetime ago.
I’m a good man…
The disease that’s been squating in my body is evil, its horrid and has one goal… to take my life..
That’s not going to happen, I’m not unique or better than any of the other 2 million plus sufferers, but what I do know is that.
I’m better than It..