The book is over 5600 pages using my Kindle to read, I’m just about to start the final section that explains the diet, as in foods that should and shouldn’t be eaten. The following paragraph is just part of one of the many testimonials from MS patients or should I say ex MS Patients. This along with several others are the reasons detailed in the book is why I am absolutely certain I will be cured sooner rather than later.
When I was first diagnosed, I had Ann Boroch’s book Healing Multiple Sclerosis. But being that I was a sugar addict, I wasn’t willing to give up the foods that gave me great comfort. I didn’t want to believe that I was actually feeding MS each time I ate my comfort foods! This time I looked at the book through different eyes. I had suffered greatly, had given up too many activities, and I no longer wanted to have to go places in a wheelchair. I was now a grandmother and didn’t want to be the grandma in the wheelchair. I wanted to run, play, and dance with my grandchildren. So I reread Ann’s book. Meanwhile, the MS support group that I facilitated was looking for someone to come speak to our group about MS and nutrition. One member told me that she knew a man with MS who had been in a wheelchair, but after following the diet of a nutritionist, he was no longer in the wheelchair. I asked her to get the name of the nutritionist. When I was given the name Ann Boroch from the member of my group, I knew I wanted to talk with her to help me. This was the best decision I had made! I met with Ann and began her diet, which I found to be much easier than I thought it would be. Within a few months my MS symptoms went away and I got my life back! I was able to do all the activities that I had not been able to do in years. I no longer needed daily naps just to get through a day. I went from being taken care of to taking care of others. I wanted to kick myself for not starting this diet when I first got Ann’s book. All those years of suffering, pain, and loss could have been avoided. OUTCOME: I have been relapse-free since starting Ann’s diet two-and-a-half years ago. I have not once needed to use my cane, walker, or wheelchair. Since being on the diet, I no longer take meds for MS symptoms or disease-modifying drugs. And most importantly, I am the grandmother who runs, plays, and dances with her grandchildren. When I was able to walk through Disneyland with my three-year-old granddaughter, I knew that there was no food more important to me than the feeling I felt that day!