
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Splenda, also known as sucralose, is an artificial, chemical sweetener.

Despite advertisements stating “Made from Sugar, so it Tastes like Sugar”, which attempt to confuse consumers, Splenda is not natural and contains no elements of natural sugar.

You may also be surprised to learn that Splenda contains chlorine. Yes, the same chlorine that goes in swimming pools. And here’s the worst side effect:

Just like chlorine kills off micro-organisms in swimming pools, Splenda and sucralose kill off healthy bacteria that lives in your gut — healthy bacteria that is vitally important to virtually every aspect of your health.

Recently, a study at the University of Duke confirmed this very finding. Not only is sucralose a heavily-processed, chemical artificial sweetener, but it’s also damaging to your gut health, which goes on to affect every other aspect of your health.

Here’s a direct quote from that study:

“Splenda suppresses beneficial bacteria and directly affects the expression of the transporter P-gp and cytochrome P-450 isozymes that are known to interfere with the bioavailability of nutrients. Furthermore, these effects occur at Splenda doses that contain sucralose levels that are approved by the FDA for use in the food supply.”

Did you know that over 80% of your immune system finds it’s home in your gut? In fact, there are more than 100 TRILLION living bacteria in your gut that control many aspects of your health, and due to things like the ingestion of artificial sweeteners like Splenda, most folks have created a massive bacterial imbalance in their body.

But, it doesn’t just stop with the use of Splenda or other artificial sweeteners. Here are some other common items that are contributing to the bacterial imbalances that BILLIONS of folks are silently suffering from all around the world:

*Diet beverages and food items (remember, sucralose is added to MANY foods, beverages, and supplements as a sweetener beyond just those little yellow packets that you may use in your coffee)
*Alcohol consumption
*Processed, packaged foods
*Certain brands of mouth wash, chewing gum, dishwasher detergent, and toothpaste
*Non-organic fruits and vegetables
*Non-organic meats
*Non-organic dairy products

If you are in contact with any of these items, it could be contributing to a serious imbalance in your gut bacteria and an overall decline in your health.

What’s more, if you suffer from irregular bowel movements, constipation, gas, bloating, acid reflux, indigestion, skin problems, overall sickness, bad breath, fatigue, urinary tract infections, sugar cravings, and/or an inability to lose weight, these symptoms are a near telltale sign that your gut bacteria is ALREADY severely imbalanced and has literally become a ticking time bomb.

But even worse, here are some of the more serious consequences that can result from gut imbalances left unaddressed:

*Severe irritable bowel syndrome and extreme daily discomfort
*Serious skin disorders like eczema and psoriasis
*A constant battle with ongoing fatigue and low energy levels
*A life full of chronic sickness and pain due to a declining immune system
*Cirrhosis and cancer of the liver
*Metabolic syndrome

Fortunately, you can correct imbalances in bad bacteria by supplementing with “good” bacteria known as probiotics. In fact, research is now suggesting that supplementing with a quality probiotic supplement every single day just may be even more important for your health and longevity than taking a daily multivitamin…the problem is finding a quality product that overcomes the pitfalls of most probiotic supplements.

You may not know this, but more than 93% of the probiotics found in traditional probiotic products will be dead by the time they reach your gut (the “final destination” that they must reach alive and well in order to provide you with their beneficial properties).

Because probiotics are living organisms, they are also very fragile and sensitive to light, heat, and the extremely acidic environment of your stomach, leaving you with very little live probiotics to benefit from once they reach their home in your intestinal track.

To combat this massive problem, at BioTrust nutrition we developed an extremely unique micro-encapsulated probiotic product called Pro-X10 that protects each probiotic cell through a wide range of environments to ensure that you get what you pay for – live, active probiotic cells that can make all the difference in your health.

But, it gets even better. Also included is Actazin, an extract of the New Zealand Kiwifruit and one of the most powerful probiotic support nutrients of all time. Actazin supports the natural growth of “good” bacteria in your gut, helps keep your bowel movements regular, and assists in maintaining long-term digestive health including the restoration of damaged intestinal lining.

Beyond that, we’ve included a number of unique probiotic strains in Pro-X10 that provide additional benefits like oral health, constipation relief, and immune defense, easily making Pro-X10 the #1 probiotic on the market.

And even better, when you decide to invest in Pro-X10 today, we’re going to give you a special “Buy 2, Get 1 Free” deal along with a free copy of the ultra-successful 7 Day Rapid Fat Loss Diet.

Just be sure to grabs yours today:

==> HEAL your gut + get a free copy of The 7-Day RapidFatLossDiet

We truly believe that supplementing with probiotics is one of the most important things that anyone can do for their health. The benefits are many, and they couldn’t be easier to use.

Learn more about how micro-encapsulated Pro-X10 can help you at the below link, and get our Buy 2, Get 1 FREE special and a free copy of the 7 Day Rapid Fat Loss Diet when you order today:

==> Buy 2, Get 1 FREE + a free copy of The 7-Day RapidFatLossDiet

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