Stupid, stupid, stupid boy…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health
Stupid, stupid, stupid boy…
After 15 months on the protocol, I know what to eat and more importantly what not to eat.
I haven’t slipped or eaten something I shouldn’t, that would be plain stupid but I have done something I shouldn’t.
Exercise is addictive and obsessive… at least that’s what my pre MS brain and muscle memory seem to think. Obviously I did too much and boy.. did it hit me like a freaking steam train this afternoon…
I returned to the living room after a couple of hours rest after lunch, watched tv for 90 minutes then attempted to return to bed. That didn’t happen as quickly or easily as on previous days. After a fall and a 40 minute crawl to travel the 15 feet to my bed…. raw knees will take a few days to not hurt anymore, but hey…..another lesson has finally got into this thick head of mine.
Anyway I’m okay

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