Special surprise..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


This is so weird, it really is, I constantly break out in uncontrollable laughter, I have tears in my eyes. Why ?…..I feel as though I’ve arranged a really extravagant surprise for someone really special to me. When this is done it’s normally arranged by several people and they are all keeping this special secret, you often see the others and try not to smile at each other or give the secret away.

The weird thing in this case is that this special surprise isn’t known by anyone else, it’s just me and the special thing is all about me..

I’m not going bonkers or senile, I know most people think I’m deluding myself but I really do know that the pain and frustration I’ve been going through for almost two decades…. that’s almost a lifetime to some youngsters. It almost feels like I’m Haley Joel Osment in Sixth Sense, y’know “I see things other people don’t see”,  I just know in my heart that this incredible surprise is about to happen, it’s not just going to be an improvement in my health, no everything is about to change, my health, wealth and everything emotionally and spiritually. I’m just not certain of the date it’s going to happen but I’ll try my hardest to feign surprise when the special surprise happens.


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