Special day..connections

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Special day…
I personally feel that having multiple sclerosis is an absolutely horrendous disease, one that can confuse and mislead others and to a certain extent, isolate you…
From first “knowing” in your head that the reason you feel so bad and think it might be MS causing your problems and then when the official diagnosis is delivered…. when the neurologist in my case said….
“There’s no way of breaking this to you gently, but you have multiple sclerosis ”
Its not something that other people can genuinely understand… you Will progressively get worse, especially if you take one of the D.M.D’s (disease modifying drugs) which in reality do nothing more than mislead you and others that you are getting better..
Maybe they should officially be renamed as Disease Misleading Drugs.
Anyway, I digress…when that diagnosis happens and the Neuro attempts to console you, then tells you that there are many support groups that will help you “accept and come to terms” with your news.
Regardless of this, you will have felt alone….
No one really understands the unique problems that you personally have…. they will all say they understand and feel your pain, but they don’t and their confusion will abound as on freshly taken drug days you will feel good, but that will soon change and you will feel and react differently which “misleads” others.

You’re probably thinking that this is a negative post…. hold on, bear with me!!!

All the above is true…but thats not where this ends, in fact its where the good part begins…

Why on earth would you want to be around lots of people with no hope for a life or a future…

A lot of us with ms have had it for a long time before finding the ABP…
in my case it was 13 years… in some ways I’m different, not better, but different because in my case I was living and working in Colorado when I was diagnosed… an arrogant English man offending an American neurologist didn’t go down too well.
That happened when I categorically refused to take the medication (drugs) he prescribed and told….Told me I’d be in a wheelchair in 6 months if I didn’t….hah…16 years later and still not..
So in September 2017 I started on the ABP.. and never looked back, now I am genuinely healing… not there yet but a lot better physically and mentally than I was..
Now I genuinely have a great “support group”, people who “understand”…
Now I’m part of a special group and know that We are all here for each other…
Now I’m proud to say that now I have real Connections….

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