So surprised

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


The exercises I’ve been doing are really helping, I can actually feel the muscles in my legs it’s a really reassuring feeling, after so many years of seeing and feeling the loss of the muscle in my limbs. Yes the exercises are very basic and to an able bodied person they probably took like nothing, but for me it’s been great, very, very tiring but great. On Tuesday I felt great for most of the day, I’d exercised twice and performed the exercises better and for longer than previous days….

The problem or problems started in the afternoon, at first it was minor but after about three hours I was really worried and confused, I mean how could everything seem so good then change so dramatically? At one point I wasn’t able to move either leg, I was stuck gripping the door frame like my life depended on it, I actually fell quite heavily but amazingly I didn’t really damage anything. By 7.pmI was feeling a little better and was able to move around reasonably well, whatever it was that had caused the trouble was wearing off.

Now you know I’m very concerned and cautious about the foods I eat, there are foods that I know have a bad effect on so me so I  avoid them like the plague, normally…. but today I had some gluten free fish cakes. Now I know that fish in general isn’t good for me so why did I have fish cakes? Because I’m an idiot….I really didn’t think two poxy fish cakes would cause so much of a problem, I should have known better but I was so surprised at how bad they made me feel, definitely never again.

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