So easy…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

So easy….
Having a disease like multiple sclerosis, which I’ve had officially since February 2004, is a demoralising thing.
That diagnosis and prognosis for my future, as I’m sure you all know was a tad depressing, especially as my life previously involved fitness and sports not participated in by normal people. I’ll not harp on about my physical past and achievements again, but accept it was quite…
“Radical” I suppose..
That being said, my attitude to life is one of me wanting to succeed and definitely not one of “giving up”..
So when the neurologis at The Rose hospital in Denver told me that I had MS and that it was incurable, I naturally felt deflated to say the least.
I’d only been in Colorado in the USA for 2 yrs, I’d moved there from England after I’d met a woman who….no, I’m not going to slag off but I will say wasn’t as nice a person as initially pretended to be.
During the 11 years I lived and worked there full time I never took any medication for MS and still haven’t taken any.
What I did do is constantly look for what is wrongly described as “Alternative or Complimentary treatments” and I’ve tried more than fifty things. It is only the Ann Boroch Protocol thats made a lasting difference.. obviously I’ve still a long way to go before I can say that my body has been healed, but it is happening and the multiple symptoms which when bunched together are classed as Multiple Sclerosis are becoming less and less obvious to me and my carers.
In my humble opinion, the only way to be when contracting this disease, is to remain positive and optimistic of possible improvements, a person, you or me has to constantly tell themselves that the disease is not going to win…we have to be strong mentally and emotionally, I’m not in the Special forces, I’m not a Marine commando, but I have to have that same mindset….I’m never giving up..
Getting back to the headline of this post, be strong, tell yourself that no matter how difficult it gets, no matter the pain and frustration, your focus and determination will see you all the way to the finish line…it can be hard, it will be difficult, but the rewards are worth it… regardless of the fact that …

Giving up and failure is so easy..

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