Side effects..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I’ve tried to remain positive over the last couple of weeks and I have to admit maintaining a positive attitude has been a challenge and that’s putting it mildly. Since day 1 of using the hydrogen peroxide there have been problems in one form or another. These “issues” that I’ve talked about have either been the taste or pain in my gut. I wonder if I’ve been doing it wrong so the problem’s are worse for me than they have been for other users. Probably not but they’ve been a real challenge for me.


Today was the 15th day so I am on 17 drops three times per day. The taste and gut ache have in reality been minor in comparison to the problem I’ve not mentioned…

I think if I talked about it I would have had a lot more opposition from family members understandably so.


This symptom didn’t raise it’s ugly head until about a week ago so probably from 10 drops its become a problem.

I’m only now recognising it as the possible cause, at first I thought I’d just not had enough water with the himalayan crystal salt or sole (solay) so I’ve been drinking more, infact around a gallon each day.

This has had my mind fighting itself because that much water has put a strain on my liver and kidneys and I’ve known this but ignored my own knowledge.


About a week ago I started to become terribly weak in the evening, so weak I couldn’t stand properly when I was trying to cut fruit or prepare my water for the next day.

I’d be standing at the sink trying to pour water from the filter jug into the respective bottles. I couldn’t stand straight, I found I was bending uncontrollably from the waist. It started to really worry me as my face would almost hit the worktop which with a sharp knife in my hand was a little worrying.


On top of this I felt my neck was aching a lot so I’d also put this down to a lack of water so I’d drink another pint and rest thinking I’d done too much physically.

So all this has been running through my mind today and although I don’t want to I’m stopping the hydrogen peroxide, at least for now. I’ll see if things improve over the next few days and make a judgement then.


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