Should I be ?

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Should I be.

The ABP is a well proven protocol perfected by the late and great Ann Boroch curing herself of multiple sclerosis within just four years, since then, numerous others have gone on to do the same. Reading one of her books, specifically “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” filled me with a greater level of genuine hope and optimism for the future than any doctor, medical professional or method I’ve ever seen, used or read about since being diagnosed with this hideous disease in 2004. Unless you are unlucky enough to have it or are living with someone that does you can’t be expected to truly understand how this affects one’s life. It can transform you from a healthy active person as I was to just a mind living inside a body that you have very little control over and is in some degree of pain in a part of the non conforming body 24/7.

Anyway when I learnt about Ann Boroch, her achievements and more than two decades of health then her inexplicable death just over two months ago, I became very excited, nervous and quite frightened. Excited because she proved it isn’t incurable, nervous and frightened about my commitment and would I be able to follow the protocol correctly and if so would it work for me?

I see things very differently now, I’m still excited but the nerves and fear no longer exist in my life because now I have absolute confidence in the protocol and in my ability to do it. The only “Should I be” in my life now has nothing to do with being nervous or frightened, no, now it’s Should I be making plans for my future, the answer is “Hell yeah”.

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