What a great day that was, I’d made a couple of changes on Friday that had put me closer to complete compliance with the protocol and both Friday and Saturday were great, obviously my midday weakness was still there but as I mentioned yesterday the weakness wasn’t as radical as its previously been. I think the fact I have to drink almost two litres of water more than what is suggested on the ABP is a problem not everyone has but I’ve tried cutting down a couple of times before which resulted in major problems. About two years ago I’d told myself that it would be okay to cut back by a litre. I just didn’t drink as much in the morning, by about 10 am I collapsed and just didn’t have the strength to get up off the floor, frustrating and very humiliating as my bladder ignored the fact I couldn’t get up. Fortunately my niece who was my carer at the time responded to the text “help” I was able to send, when she arrived and helped me get into a kneeling position with my body resting on the sofa. She helped me by using a straw to drink half a litre of water, 30 minutes later I was able with assistance to get up. So five litres of water is about 40% more than suggested but believe me when I say in my case it’s absolutely necessary. Anyway yesterday was great and I’m 100% happy and committed to this, I know there will be days that are okay days or even bad days but I’m confident their number will be dwarfed by the good days….