Same old, same old.
Last night while in bed after I’d watched a bit of tv and read for an hour I started to think about my life, what it was and what it is now, obviously there’s a massive difference between the two. Before 2004 I was a very physically active man, skydiving, hang gliding, scuba diving, mountain biking, rock climbing and flying small aircraft, I also ran several times each week and was a regular in the gym. I had been reasonably successful in I.T. sales before moving to America in 2002 for 11years. After 2004 the physically active side of my life ended and in 2011 I had to stop working, 18 months later Ih returned to England as I seriously needed help to function daily.
Big change, now there’s no running or any physical activity, now it’s get up, bathe, supplements, carer, lunch, bed for three hours, up again, read, watch tv then back in bed by 7p.m..
Not an interesting life, a day is a day, it’s very much same old, same old….or is it….
I think from most people’s point of view what was compared to what is would probably seem extremely boring, but from my point of view it’s not….
Forget about what was because I’m blessed that I have some incredible memories, I’ve been to more countries and have done more things so far that probably 95% of people in the world will ever do. Since September last year when I started the ABP I’ve experienced significant improvements in my health. Multiple Sclerosis is considered to be an incurable disease, I’ve had it for 14 years, officially, I’m 62 and counting, by rights as the disease gets a firmer grip and as I get older I should be in a worse condition daily….. according to them…. them being the non believers or the medical professionals…. ha!!!! I’m not getting worse, I’m getting better.
I open my eyes in the morning and in my head shout Yes….another day to kick it’s butt, another day to move forward, it might be an inch up the mountain, but hey.. it’s an inch up…according to the world of traditional medicine I should be in deep do,do’s..
Yes 95% of my day is the same as my yesterday’s but that 5% is the part that matters and there’s a very selfish side to me, the side that says “I want my life back” and nothing is going to stop me.