I think highly of myself in so many ways, the illness that is squatting in my body is trying it’s hardest to ruin my life, it’s trying to take everything away from me, but regardless of the pain, frustration and despondency I feel I still try my hardest to keep doing what I believe is the best way of overcoming he who shall not be named.
I get frustrated with myself because on occasion I give in and allow myself to indulge, some foods mainly but also by not sticking to the regimen I’ve set myself. It’s too easy to say to myself that I deserve to have or do something that is initially good but has a negative impact long term.
So I’m telling myself off, I’m making a promise to myself that I will strictly adhere to the protocol, my protocol and there’s no excuse, no justification for deviating, from now on no lying to myself, from now on Stefan you follow the rules.
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