Respect, or lack of..
I often write about things and beliefs I have that are important to me, I wear my heart on my sleeve and say what I think, and that sometimes comes over as a little harsh, my comments are never meant to be disrespectful to the front line medical professionals. Nurses are a favourite of mine, I truly think the world is a better place because of them and I can’t emphasize my respect enough for the work they and junior doctors do, if I gave the wrong impression then please accept my sincere apologies.
My beef as such is 100% directed at big pharma, these organizations have one goal in mind and that’s to make disgusting profit’s by brainwashing the masses into believing and becoming dependent on drugs. In 2010 an internal memo was discovered by an office cleaner and later released to a newspaper stating that Big pharma collectively wanted every American, all 350 million to be taking at least one prescription or OTC drug by 2020.
Kids as young as three years old are taking psychotropic drugs supposedly for depression and anxiety… three freaking years old!!!!!, this is why I have little or no respect for doctors. Not all doctors of course just the GP’s that arbitrarily dispense antipsychotic drugs to mothers of toddlers and teens.
When I was a kid, yes I can remember all that way back, there was no such thing as ADD or ADHD, kids never said “you’re invading my space” or “you aren’t allowed to smack me” to a teacher or parent. The world as we know it has become a sad place because of vaccines, drugs, the lack of good parental control that’s created disrespectful kids, also the narrow minded doctors that dispense antibiotics and anti psychotic drugs rather than genuine medical guidance…… oops…..I’m ranting again aren’t I…sorry.,