The last week has been strange in a good way for me, several days ago I started using a stretchy band that the physiotherapist gave me a few months ago. I think when I first tried using it, it was so difficult and so tiring that I thought it was too embarrassing for me to struggle with a skinny piece of green plastic so just didn’t try again and concentrated on my own more manly exercises. Well as I said about a week ago I swallowed my pride and mentally berated myself for being an A-hole….yes the exercises really really fatigued me while doing them and for hours later I could feel the weakness in my shoulders, arms and more than anywhere else in my legs. But as each day has passed I’ve definitely noticed the difference, the improvement in my stability and strength especially at the end of the day. The thing is it’s only been 6 days and each day I’ve been able to do a little bit more and do it a little bit better. Actually today was strange as I said but the weirdness, the strangeness was because the feelings in my body were because I felt I was remembering how to move around normally again. It hasn’t happened exactly but it’s only been six days.
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