Raw food part 2..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

This is my fourth/fifth day of raw food, so far I’ve been limiting my intake of processed foods to one meal per day, the others being comprised of fruits and veggies blended to make a green smoothie.

Each day so far I’ve been feeling great upon waking and for the early part of the day. When I first wake which tends to be around 6.3o am I’m starting with a couple of pint glasses of warm lemon water before I get out of bed, Thermos is wonderful.

Next I’m having a couple of glasses of water with Sole…..So-lay which is made from Himalayan crystal’s.

My first shake consists of Spinach, Kale, Carrot, Tomato’s and Apple, doesn’t sound good but actually tastes fine.

My lunch shake is similar but a higher content of spinach and kale.

Now I mentioned ealier that I was feeling really good for the first half of the day, but inexplicably I’ve felt quite weak from mid afternoon for a few hours. My thoughts have revolved around limited water and the temperature. When my limited brain function thought thisĀ I rectified this and within an hour felt a lot better.

I’ve had a HBOT this morning so I limit my water knowing when I’m in the chamber, I’m in for 90 mins so there is no chance of a loo break.

But all in all I’m optimistic about the therapy and diet…

Next week will be interesting as I’m going to have 19 out of 21 meals will be raw food, wish me luck..


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