Raw food..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Food, Health

Over the years I’ve come across a lot of people telling me they were “Raw foodist’s” so it’s not new to me, however working as I did for Dr. Hal Huggins for three and a half years I was able to expand my knowledge of nutrition and disease’s in a way very few people can.

I studied and read Huggins, Levy and many other well respected and knowledable experts in this field, my opinions were based on the incredible work done by these people and I believe now I have a good understanding of health in general.

However the problems and health issue’s I’ve been struggling with for fourteen years are frustrating and very limiting to me, I’ve had the dental revision by one of the best dentist’s in the world, I’ve been through body chemistry rebalancing and yes they have enabled me to continue with life. So although I’ve kept my MS at bay to a certain extent, it’s slowly becoming more and more debilitating as the years roll on.

So a few days ago I started researchin the raw food diet, I was quite amazed at the information I was reading and even more so watching video testimonials from MS sufferers who had experience quite amazing changes by eliminating all processed food. I decided on Sunday  (3 days ago) that I would make the changes necessary to do this and see for myself if this is the best way to go.

I firmly believe that you can do anything you want if you truly want to enough, yes I’ll miss some foods initially but if only takes a matter of weeks for the body to become totally accustomed to differrent foods.

At the end of the day I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. This first week I’m two meals raw each day then next week I’ll only have processed food in the evening on three days then the third week will be all raw food all week.

In two days since I’ve started I’ve noticed suble improvements so physically I’m feeling good and mentally feeling so optimistic.

I’ll update this blog several times each week or more.


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