Life is made up of a myriad of choices, decisions and actions, some are inconsequential and others life changing but they are still there to be made. My life over the past sixteen years has been very different to most others and filled with big decisions, I went to live in a foreign country ok yes we did speak the same language, sort of, but it was vastly different in most ways. Getting accustomed and succeeding in a different way of doing business was challenging but also enjoying and extremely rewarding.
Getting married and living in Eastwick….(Desperate Housewives) no it wasn’t there specifically but that’s what it was like, the houses, the people and lifestyle were very similar. My work varied from initially working for Phil Long Ford in car sales, ok ok I had to start somewhere. ADT in the newly formed Fire Systems Group, cool job. I had several positions with other companies until I was very fortunate to become the Client Service Director with Huggins Applied Healing in Colorado Springs. A fantastic position working and studying with a world leader in his specialised field.
Before starting many of the jobs I had over an eleven year period I’d been diagnosed with the disease that shall not be named. So living in a new country, getting married then divorced and working in a very demanding area, was challenging to say the least.
The title of this post is Quitters, referring to the saying Quitters never win, the second part of this refers to me and that is….Winners never quit.
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