Prevent cavities naturally…

Posted by: Stef605  /  Category: Health

Three super-easy, super-convenient, super-fun ways to prevent cavities naturally

There are few health afflictions that affect people living in modern civilization more regularly than cavities. With an abundance of junk food available, it becomes more and more difficult for the average person to maintain a diet that is optimal for body and mouth. However, there are easy ways to prevent cavities and keep a clean, fresh mouth without a large investment of time or money.

1. Spend some time outside. Recent studies have shown that people who get adequate vitamin D can cut cavity formation in half. Sunshine is a natural source of vitamin D, so try to spend 10 minutes in the sun every day. If you work indoors or can’t get outside often, incorporate a supplement into your diet that includes vitamin D or eat foods that are rich in it. Foods rich in vitamin D include egg yolks, shiitake mushrooms, and fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring, catfish, and tuna. Cod liver oil is another great source of Vitamin D.

2. Drink green or black tea. Studies have shown that components in green and black tea interfere with cavity-forming bacteria in the mouth, thus preventing those bacteria from eating away at tooth enamel. Green and black teas also contain healthful antioxidants which benefit the body whole. For greatest bacteria-killing effect, don’t add sugar or cream to the tea.

3. Chew xylitol gum. Xylitol is a natural sweetener that prevents bacteria in the mouth from growing to uncontrolled levels. Xylitol also has the ability to aid in the natural re-mineralization of your teeth, strengthening them against future bacterial acidic attacks. Another good way to incorporate xylitol into your regular dental routine is to use xylitol-powered toothpaste and mouthwash.

In today’s fast paced world, most people just don’t have the time or energy to spend on protecting their dental health. Luckily, preventing cavities doesn’t have to take gargantuan effort. With the simple steps listed here, cavity prevention can become an effortless, even enjoyable part of your day, while cutting down on boring hygienic routine and leaving more time and energy for the really important things in life. (Of course, having a healthy mouth is important too!)

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