Part two..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

As if being “let go” from my job, no, the career I believed was going to be my life’s work was bad enough, little did I know that people I thought loved me would be so vindictive. But that is what I was to learn over the coming month’s, to start with in a long line of evil things that would be done I found that my life blood….my pay would be totally screwed.

I’d left the office on the Thursday afternoon and told in what I was to learn in a believably false way that I should not worry about clearing my office now but to leave it until Monday.

The weekend for me was terrible, I felt sick to the stomach and so stressed, MS is a hideous disease in itself and “stress” is one of the worst things for anyone suffering from it. My mind was scrambled, I couldn’t think clearly and my body became so weak I found it hard to stand let alone walk.

 I couldn’t keep any food down, I became weaker and weaker .

Anyway Monday morning came after a sickening weekend full of vomit, panic and concern. Going into the office I said my goodbye’s to my good friend Shari who I love like a daughter, then sat with the office manager, it sickens me to think of this so called “friend” so I’m not even going to use her name.

I sat at the OM’s desk while she justified the actions of Dr H and how he’d supposedly cried about making the decision to let me go. The paycheque was wrong so she attempted to correct it and assured me I’d have the correct amount in the mail before the end of the week.

What shocked and sickened me was that after three and a half years of dedicated service they paid me for the three weeks in the month I’d worked and the last week of the month that’s it, no severance pay. It was obvious they they didn’t give a damn about me and how I would survive.

So much for valuing my service and dedication, I think it was one of the worst moments of my life, losing the job I truly believed was a lifelong passion, being “dumped” with enough to pay my rent and pay my immediate bills for that month alone. Being 5000 miles from my family and being completely alone, I felt totally isolated….

On the way home I called in to see my good friend Jim, I explained what happened and poured my heart out. Jim was a vietnam vet and was a good listener and was able to put my mind at rest. Jim had been through so much in his life that he had a way of putting things into perspective. Over the next 18 months, Jim was more of a friend than anyone had ever been, he and his Thai wife Nidnoy were a Godsend to me.


A few day’s later in the cold light of day, actually is was a typically beautiful Colorado day in May, while sitting in their garden Jim suggested I write an e-book about what I’d learned while working for Dr. H.

This made a lot of sense to me, after all, I knew a great deal about his work and this way I’d kill two birds with one stone. I could help others and selling the book would earn money…yay.

Over the coming weeks I spent as much time as I could writing, finding the words was not difficult for me, after all, I’d talked with more than 17,000 people during my time with Huggins. The problem was typing, I’d taught myself to type properly, but having MS made it difficult, the dexterity and coordination in my hands was getting worse by the day and after an hour or two of typing, my hands became very tired and of course the stress I was feeling exacerbated this.

But a month later I’d completed my first book, an e-book, although it was only 43 pages it still felt good to be a writer. While I was doing this I also created a website or blog if you will. The names for blog and book were yet to be decided. I’d talked with Jim but couldn’t find the right names so I spent some time with an ex work colleague and good friend Carolyn. She now worked for Dr. Blanche Grube who also owned Biocomp Labs here in Colorado Springs as well as her dental practice in Scranton, PA.


I decided the book  would be called “Life after Huggins” a catchy name I thought and I’d promote it on my blog which was Optimal Nutritions.


Tomorrow I’ll explain why both these were to change and how my ex employer and his evil Rottweiler with lipstick otherwise known as the OM continued on their quest to ruin my life..


My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99

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