Part three…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

I’d spent a lot of time emailing Amazon regarding the book, it was considerably more difficult than I’d imagined getting the book into the correct format so it could go on sale. It had to be in a particular format so it could be read on a Kindle, After numerous attempts it was finally ready, I promoted it to the Alliance of Huggins trained dentists and fortunately for me several dentists could see the benefit of giving a copy to their patients. At this time it was selling for $5.99 and several hundred were purchased.

I was a little disappointed that the general visitors to Amazon didn’t buy in the numbers I’d hoped but my thoughts were that given time it would sell.

This is where the evil twins stepped in again, I received a letter from a lawyer representing doc, this wasn’t his normal guy this was a personal friend of the rottweiler with lipstick. In it I was threatened with being sued, deportation and somehow threatened with legal action by Homeland Security. The last part confused me but at the end of the day I was penniless so defending myself with a reputable law firm was out of the question.

So I took the book off the market and as I’m sure you can imagine, the worries screaming through my head continued to disturb the fragile person I’d become.

I searched for a law firm to help me, but sadly all the advertisements on TV and the radio failed to find any that would help with the “no win, no fee” promotions. There was the standard $5,000 up front response even when most acknowledged the bias towards my side. Eventually I found a lawyer that had gone back into practice after he’d retired as a judge. A nice man but after reading the letter from the slimy lawyer explained that yes I did have a case but it wasn’t one that would be profitable to him so I should just drop it.

The next day I decided that Huggins wasn’t going to beat me so easily, I was right in what I was doing, the book and blog both promoted his work and encouraged the reader to contact his office. I emphasised that yes I am knowledgeable but what I know could be stored in doc’s little finger.

But I was mad now and I was going to the media with my story, I would spill the beans on his clandestine life with several female clients and one particular employee. I would let his “live in partner” know what this moral free man was doing. I mentioned this to Carolyn for her take on my proposed actions. She tried to reason with me but I was adamant. My back was to the wall and I was going down fighting.

The next day I received a call from Dr, Grube, she had been a good friend to doc for 25 years and had always been his strongest advocate. She literally begged me to not go through with this. After an hour I agreed to not go public. She said she would contact the Alliance (around 50 Huggins trained dentists) and recommend that they use me as a consultant. She’d also recommend that they pay me a retainer of $500 per month. For this I would talk to their patients as I had in my work for doc. If 10 agreed to this it would generate around $5,000 each month. This would be good for me, so my mind was at rest and I calmed down believing things would be ok.

Dr. Grube was an amazing woman and I was so grateful for this and how wonderful she’d been over the years.

Tomorrow, I couldn’t believe what happened next…


My book “Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health” is available here for only $2.99

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