Part 7…upto date…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


The final years in Colorado had been a mixture of good and bad, whatever bad happened to me was difficult and often painful but it was just a part of my life, not something I want to be remembered for. I don’t want people to say “oh yes I remember Stefan, he was the guy with MS”, I think it will be good when people say ” oh yes Stef’s a great guy, he helped me in several ways”.

The years I spent with Huggins Applied Healing was a draining and traumatic time talking with so many people that were sick and really desperate, but it was ever so rewarding and fulfilling and I’ll forever be grateful for that incredible experience. and the wonderful and amazing people I met and worked with.

The 18 months after losing my job and before returning to England was a very difficult time, I’d lost it because of my health and found it really difficult to find a decently paid job so financially I was in a pickle. Yes I did have unemployment benefits for some of the time but the last six months I didn’t have any real income. I managed to generate some but not enough to support myself and as I’m sure you can understand the problems it created. But as I said earlier the overall experience of spending 11 years there was irreplaceable.

Since returning to England I’ve continued my research and tried numerous things, some with no real impact but in the main I’m happy with my efforts, especially those of late. I feel more optimistic than at anytime in the past. My life is filled with ups and downs because of this disease but I have to believe in what I’m doing and this constant challenge of living. There is no doubt in my mind that the answers are there, just out of reach, I’m stretching to grasp them, I know they are at the tips of my fingers but at this time they’re covered in oil.

But it’s not over till the fat lady sings and she’s still tucking into her dinner……

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